Questions tagged [ajax-polling]

Ajax polling is a technique used for checking for new server-side events.

93 questions
1 answer

jQuery recursive ajax poll using setTimeout

This question is related to this: jQuery recursive ajax poll using setTimeout to control the poll interval, but slightly different and I cannot figure out why. function _poll(n) { $.ajax({ url: "/check_status", type: "POST", data:…
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Update list size in real time with PF Poll

In my JEE application, I have an emails list extraction process. I need to display a counter which be incremented after adding a mail to the list. The idea is to display the size of this list and update it every 1 seconde using primeface poll. I…
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2 answers

CometD Issues with Publishing Data to a Channel

I am new to cometd, I have planned to send a message to the server and get the message in my browser using cometd If i send a message it is successfully send to the server but couldn't get it in the browser private void testService() { String…
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Ajax difference between requests

Imagine you have big application (like facebook or G+) with tons of ajax short polling. you have sidebar with news feed (which does not update quite often), you have notifications, you have online users and etc. Now usually what you do it make a…
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Ordering polling requests

I am trying to follow rails casts episode #228 on polling for changes. I am essentially following the screencast word for word, except that I am using it for notifications instead of comments. The only difference is that every time he uses the…
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p:poll on database always returns the same value although DB gets updated

I have a database where I keep uploading GPS information that I want to show in a JSF page. In order to do that periodically, I am using the poll element from PrimeFaces, however, the queries keeps returning the same values, even though they are…
E. Fernandes
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1 answer

New message alert using ajax in MVC3

I do have a UI where I have to show the alert when ever new message arrives.I am trying to do this using ajax.I mean I do have a link called as My Message.I am showing new message badge when ever new message arrives. My code goes as follows:
  • SantyEssac
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    PHP Poll with Results on Same Page

    There was a great article posted by describing how to create a poll using PHP and a MySQL database. I've followed this and created a nice poll for myself. I noticed in the comments a mentioning of using AJAX to show the results on the…
    Raphael Rafatpanah
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    Create a simple poll for an api page change

    I have a java servlet which responds with a number in text/plain format. What I want to do is have another page run a script which polls this URL and triggers an alert window when the number there has changed from the first time it was loaded. I…
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    Primefaces, periodical update when idle

    I want to auto update datatable (on client) when user is idle. I'm using Primefaces 3.5 with glassfish and my idea was following: I've boolean autoUpdate variable in bean. And user can turn on/off the auto update. I created two components: p:poll…
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    how to implement a low frequency low message rate browser push

    we want to enter push technology, and our use case is as following: huge number of simultanous clients (several 100.000s) low message rate (~ 1 every minute) small data (<500 bytes/message) latency under 2 seconds now we have two competing…
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    Ajax polling crashing the browser as its memory usage,cpu utilization continously increasing ? Any alternative

    I am new to the ajax polling and i implemented to fetch data continuously , But the problem i am getting is Memory usage and CPU utilization is continously keep on increasing and in the last the browser is crashing . Here is ajax call what i am…
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    Polling for database changes: OracleDependency, SignalR, or is that too much?

    I suppose I'm looking for a best practice, but I've read conflicting information on the various ways to do this. I'm attempting to put together an example of a webpage that contains a grid of information that shows exactly what is in the database.…
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    Simpliest python long polling

    I saw some threads about long polling in python, but my problem is not so bit to use some additional kits like tornado etc. I have js client. It sends requests to my /longpolling page and wait for response. Once it get response or timeout it sends…
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    How to send the last class of a div in an ajax poll?

    I'm having trouble with my ajaxPoll chat system. I'm trying to send the last Id of the chat message's div back to php, so then the query can only show results that are higher than the last id sent. All the chat messages are in a div called chat_log.…
    Jordan Richards
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