Questions tagged [aif]

Application Integration Framework Web services are used to exchange documents between Microsoft Dynamics AX and other systems

98 questions
2 answers

Get an error when consuming a WCF server from .Net Core 2.1 but it's fine on .NET

I have a WCF service (AIF) on Microsoft Dynamics AX I can call it without any problem using .NET 4.6.1. However, when I run the same exact code using .NET Core I get an error which states A call to SSPI failed The target principal name is…
Mehrdad Kamelzadeh
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3 answers

catching the warning message from aif web service

I have a aif service in ax 2012. I pass information into it from .net applications. basically i'm posting to the general journal. But when there is an error, say bad information being passed in, it returns a general error usually "error…
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AX 2012 http inbound port activate error – deployment web site was not found for port

I am new to AX and a beginner to IIS (and first post on stackoverflow). I need some assistance with AX 2012 AIF Web Services and configuring an http AX Inbound Port. My issue is in trying to activate an Inbound Port within AX using HTTP. I receive…
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force a specific .net version during compilation

My Dynamics AX 2009 application has a button 'Generate' to compile AIF services and create a dll. The DLL should be generated with version 2.0.50727. But of late it is being generated with version 4.0.30319. It is in our control to change the…
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Update using InventOhHandService [ax2012]

I am trying to integrate Dynamics ax 2012 to a third party application using AIF services. The service in question is the out of the box InventOnHandService to which I have added the update method. However then when I try to set up the service on…
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Microsoft AX Dynamics Process Integration through Outbound Ports

I would like to know the Process Integration steps. Through Outbound ports If any of the event occurs at AX Dynamics, we just want to know that events in the form of XML(Process Integration). Example: Sales Order Creation, Customer Creation,…
1 answer

XSLT transformation in AIF

I am trying to transform the following BankPositivePay message using a xsl transformation. The XML message I have is:
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Can't catch exception inside AIF service

I have created an AIF service in dynamics AX 2012, when I tested it by calling the entrypoint method from a job, it worked fine, but when it is deployed en the calls are comming from the soap UI, it crashes inside with an error: "Unhandled…
1 answer

How can I extend the CustCustomerService and SalesLineService standard service?

I'd like to add an extra field to the AX 2012 standard service "CustCustomerService" and "SalesLineService". I think I have just to extend the query, that was used to create this service. But I have no idea how to find this queries.
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vb.Net code to use AX 2009 ReturnOrderInService web service

Need to use the create method of the AX 2009 ReturnOrderInService web service in a vb.NET aspx page to create an RMA in AX. The code I've written below creates the RMA in AX, but doesn't show the line details in the AX RMA form, even though the…
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2 answers

Using AIF webservices to connect to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009

I'm using AIF webservices to connect to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009. Proxies are generated for the service in VS2010, but when I want to connect to the service using generate client class, it seems I am not authenticated in the system. I even tried…
Hadi Eskandari
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1 answer

Is it possible to use Azure Service Bus with Azure AD (not ADFS) for exposing AX 2012 services?

I have been tasked with developing an integration to an external system and I believe Azure Service Bus is the way I'm supposed to go. If not, I'm open to suggestions. I need to push/pull customers/vendors, sales/purch orders, then certain action…
William YK
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1 answer

Get the frames values from the frames bytes

i'm using the aifc library for open an aif file and his method readframes(nframes) for read the frame in bytes. But now i have to convert the bytes in a float list of values. How can i do it?
Luca Romagnoli
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1 answer

How to create request with OR in AIF Soap UI

I have webservice AIF from Dynamics AX 2012 which return information from CustTable. How can I write request that return me information about Customers with AccountNum "1111" or "2222" if they are exist? Something like this, doesn't work. …
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1 answer

AX 2012 AIF Outbound - Released Product and Linked data in 1 XML file

I'm on AX 2012 R3 CU10. I need to export Items data (Released Products) in XML format. But also related data like: Translations (Product > Languages > Translations) Site Specific Order Settings for Sales, Purch and Invent (Manage inventory > -…
Bjorn Mistiaen
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