Questions tagged [agents-jade]

JADE - Java Agent Development framework

JADE is a software framework fully implemented in Java, that simplifies the implementation of multi-agent systems through a middle-ware that complies with the FIPA specifications.

JADE provides:

  • An environment where JADE agents are executed;
  • Class Libraries to create agents using heritage and redefinition of behaviors;
  • A graphical toolkit to monitor and manage the platform of agents.

Official website:

Online documentation:

Latest Version: 4.5 (released: 08/06/2017)

275 questions
1 answer

Connecting JADE with WAMP

Hi Java Agent DEvelopment Framework developers! I want to use WAMP with JADE, can I do that, simple because I am well averse with WAMP. Or does JADE recommend only Java related technologies to be interfaced? Thanks for the answer.
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Java: PDF converter works in Mac but in Windows, produce empty PDF file

I need a little help here with my PDF converter program. So, I'm doing this mobile agent PDF converter using JADE framework. But, the problem that I am facing is more related to the way I convert a text file into PDF, send it across network as…
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A multi-agent system that uses Producer-Consumer pattern?

I am trying to implement a Producer-Consumer pattern that uses multi-agents as workers instead of multi-threads. As I understand, a typical multi-threaded implementation uses a BlockingQueue where one Producer thread puts information on the Queue…
1 answer

jade error agent a1 died without being properly terminated. error state 2

i am new to jade , i want to setup a auctioneer agent that give time and count of items and then ... but i get this error jade error agent a1 died without being properly terminated. error state 2 my codes: int…
2 answers

Send parameters in ACLMessage

I send a message from one agent to another msg.setContent("price: 30, count: 1"); After that I need to manually parse it. Is there more convenient way to transfer parameters without converting to string? For example, send some container..
1 answer

Jade Cannot create agent MyAgent

I am new to JADE environment and I am trying to run the agent via terminal and Eclipse on MAC OS. But it throws me below exception from both Logs $ java jade.Boot -container -agents MyAgent:examples.hello.HelloWorldAgent Aug 18, 2016 10:24:15 PM…
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Send objects between agents

I have two jade agents and i want to send an object from one agent to the other, i used setContentObject() and getContentObject() methods, it worked fine the second agent receives the object, but i can't seem to find a way to get the object's…
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2 answers

Specifying the agent name when starting a JadeGateway Agent

I am trying to do a jade Gateway prog. All is working fine. Except that now i need to have a way of specifying the local name of the Gateway Agent. Can anyone please help me on this.
0 answers

Agent servlet communication

I just started to use Jade and I would like to know if it is possible to send a message from an agent to a servlet using JadeGateway, I have already managed to send a message from a servlet to an agent, but I want that agent to send back a reply and…
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JADE (Java) - Changing Agent Container

Is there a way to reassign agents to a different container or will I have to create a new container and then create all new instances of the agents within the new container? I have done a lot of searching and can't seem to find anything on container…
Chad S
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Unit testing Jade

What techniques and design strategies have people used to aid in unit testing Jade applications? In particular, how do people typically go about testing Behaviours - which are tightly coupled to the Agent instance and the Jade environment? I'm aware…
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How to access Jade Main Container via internet?

I am working on an Agent based application and i want to access agents running on a container in a machine. I am using jadeGateWay to connect to Main container. It is working in localhost but when i run the jadeGateWay on a server it doesn't connect…
Inco Mob
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3 answers

Most suitable database package for use with JADE

I'm using JADE (Java Agent DEvelopment Framework) and need to set up a database back end. Does anyone have any recommendations for which database system would work well with the framework?
Viral Shah
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Jade: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java Heap Space

I've been using jade (Java Agent Development Framework) for creating a network based messaging system. So far, I notice that jade was running without issues but one fine day, I get this message, A JVM Heap Space error! After investigating, I find…
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1 answer

Getting a list of all JADE containers

I want to get a list of all containers in the current platform. This question is similar, but the answer is obsolete and the method is by querying to the AMS agent. Is there any simpler way out than to communicate via ACL messages which I think is…
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