Questions tagged [agents-jade]

JADE - Java Agent Development framework

JADE is a software framework fully implemented in Java, that simplifies the implementation of multi-agent systems through a middle-ware that complies with the FIPA specifications.

JADE provides:

  • An environment where JADE agents are executed;
  • Class Libraries to create agents using heritage and redefinition of behaviors;
  • A graphical toolkit to monitor and manage the platform of agents.

Official website:

Online documentation:

Latest Version: 4.5 (released: 08/06/2017)

275 questions
1 answer

why Runtime.instance always giving me error

hey everyone i'm new at #jade and now i'm trying to write #main class and i have error at "#Runtime rt=new Runtime.instance();" this line ,i added all external jars for jade but still have this problem what dose that mean pLiz help import…
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2 answers

How to send messages between a web client and a JADE multi-agent system?

I am working on a JADE project and I want to build a React app to interact with my agents. I would like to send messages to specific agents from my web client using REST. I know that it is possible to send POST requests, but what the body should…
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1 answer

How to change the GUI of MAS in JADE?

This is the GUI that i'm using right now And this is the GUI that i want to achieve How do i do that?
1 answer

How do intelligent Agents work with data base?

I am working with JADE framework and I want to know is there any way for intelligent agents to work with some kind of data base, where they can read from it and write some information?.. I tried to make a connection between excel (using jxl) and my…
1 answer

Which Agent-Based framework for Java is preferable?

I am researching agent based frameworks for Java and want one that is simple and easy to implement. Google search uncovered jade, wade, and jac.
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