Questions tagged [ag-grid-validation]

19 questions
0 answers

AG-Grid React - Custom Floating Filter dropdown - not showing in the front of grid

I have implemented the Ag-Grid Custom floating filter in React as a dropdown with values of that particular column like in excel In this image Floating filter height has been extended to show the expected output as in this image 1 but what if the…
1 answer

How to implement validation rules for ag-grid row edit

I currently have html table with inline editing that uses plain Angular Reactive Forms, including a lot of validation rules: var formArray = new FormArray(; createItemFormGroup(item){ return new FormGroup({ …
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How to perform cell validation in #ag-grid for React

I have started using ag-grid in my react project, and was unable to find any API's for performing in-line cell validations i.e. whenever user edits a particular cell, the requirement is to perform a required field and pattern validation. In case of…
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AG Grid: Detect change and give alert when user is trying to edit other row without saving the first

We have new project in Angular 8 where we are using AG Grid, Now user wants a validation to fire if someone edits one row and without saving it moves to another record/Row. it should say Save your data first. I have tried same on onRowChange…
0 answers

Update ag-grid cell style onCellKeyDown

Is there a way to update current cell's style dynamically within onCellKeyDown callback? I'm trying to access current cell using grid API but no luck so far. I've applied style but it appears only when the cell loses its focus. onCellKeyDown={e =>…
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AG-Grid: Column Grouping based on children set

I have an ag-grid columnDef similar to this structure. gridOptions.columnDefs = [ { headerName: 'Athlete Details', children: [ { headerName: 'Name', field: 'name' }, { headerName: 'Age', field: 'age' }, …
Siddhartha Thota
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Ag-Grid: adjust columns width and show horizontal scroll bar once columns reach beyond container size

I've columns panel to add/remove columns from the AG-Grid. There are around 50 columns, by default 5 are showing with property api.sizeColumnsToFit(). it works fine but issue comes when User tries to add more columns and columns reaches beyond the…
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Set the sorting on an edited column after cellValueChanged event in ag-Grid 18.0 with Angular 6

I have set the sorting by default to ascending order on a particular column say "Start_date" which contains the dates in dd/mm/yyyy. Before updating the cell value, the column is sorted in increasing order of dates. After an update is done on any…
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ag-grid-angular and cell validation

I am quite new to ag-grid. We are using ag-grid Angular version. All of our cells are editable in grid and there are approx more than 3000 cells. Having an Angular form for grid and form control for each cell seems to make grid lot slower. specially…
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how to add search bar in ag grid dropdown

without a search bar, I am facing the issue it taking more time to search the required field from the dropdown please tell me how to add a search bar in the ag-grid dropdown (angular )
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Java Script AG Grid getting row node id

I am new to Java Script and I working on implementing AG-Grid. I got stuck at how to get a row node id for selected row in AG grid?
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enableFillHandle GridOptions not working in my code

for example i have added image where i was trying to copy 1st row End on date(Sun Dec 06 2020 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)) and past to rows no. 2,3,4,5 using file handle but it past wrong date(Thu Jan 01 1970 05:30:00 GMT+0530 (India…
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How to make all column headers sticky(fixed) in ag-grid in angular while page scrolling?

I have tried this for two days but still I couldn't find the solution can any one please help me in this.
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updating values to server in AG-grid

Here I'm Using .net Core in Server Side and plain vanilla JavaScript for UI AG grid is getting data from the SQL view thru Core application. in the Grid all the cells are editable. now i want to have one button on top of the Grid. if the…
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AG grid: Disable edit rows unless save the one whhich is edited

I have a requirement where, once the row edited in ag grid no other row should be allowed to edit unless the row has been saved. is there any way to achieve it? I am using onRowClick($event) method to put some validation, sample is mentioned…