Questions tagged [affdex-sdk]

This tag is for questions regarding the usage of Affectiva's emotion recognition SDKs. The SDK is now at version 3.0.

Affectiva has produced SDKs for , , , and .

API documentation is in the Developer portal.

45-day free trial SDK licenses for Windows, Android or iOS available here.

100 questions
1 answer

Undefined reference to process(std::__cxx11::basic_string ... ) when compiling affdex linux sample applications

I encountered the following error when I tried to compile affdex sdk sample applications Linking CXX executable video-demo CMakeFiles/video-demo.dir/video-demo.cpp.o: In function 'main': video-demo.cpp:(.text+0x11cb): undefined reference to…
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Affectiva mscorlib.dll and dependencies error

I'm building a C# Affectiva product, up until a few days ago everything was working fine. I did a clean install of Windows 10 and I am using Visual Studio Enterprise. I keep having the following error stating missing mscorlib.dll or…
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Affectiva-JS: out of memory exception after multiple reloads

There are two errors happening while using the affektiva js sdk. First error raised is the "out of memory" exception that occurs within the affectiva library in the affdex-worker.js file at importScripts(url + "affdex-native-bindings.js"); The…
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Does the Affdex SDK support a Kinect sensor?

I am working on Kinect emotion recognition using the Affdex SDK, but the "CameraDetector" couldn't support my Kinect sensor. I tried using a webcam and it turned out that the SDK can work with webcams well. Many times I've assigned the "pixels" in…
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Affdex Android SDK - Using CameraDetector to detect emotion continuously across all activities in the APP

We are adding Affdex Android SDK to our existing APP to detect the emotion of the user as a way to measure users' satisfaction when they use the APP. We plan to use CameraDetector for this purpose so that we can monitor the users' emotion…
Gary Mok
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java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError CameraDetector works only on ARMv7 devices

After setting up the Affdex SDK for Android It was working fine in ARMv7 devices, but whenever I try to run the app in ARMv8 devices it doesn't work and give this error: Fatal Exception: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError …
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Can Affdex for Android analyze and record face at the same time?

I wonder if we can use the front camera to analyze facial expression (at least detect landmark points) and record video (of the face) at the same time with Affdex SDK for Android?
1 answer

Size Range of FaceDetectorMode

Using version Linux C++ 3.1.1-2802 version the SDK. The descriptions of FaceDetectorMode::LARGE_FACES (To target faces occupying a large area) and FaceDetectorMode::SMALL_FACES (To target faces occupying a small area) are a bit vague/confusing. By…
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affdex-sdk: FaceTracking SDK for Unity3D

Can someone please refer any resource/project which uses to track face and extract landmark points in Unity3D Tutorial here only refers to the emotion extraction
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Affdex Android SDK - Save and use CameraDetector

Mostly I want to know if there is a fundamental conflict that I can't share the same resource with the library, if so, I will need to take a different approach. My goal is to have low quality video with the detector's meta data saved at the same…
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Affdex iOS SDK "set the licensePath property with a valid file path" error

Using the iOS SDK, I tried to set the license token like this: #ifndef YOUR_AFFDEX_LICENSE_STRING_GOES_HERE #define YOUR_AFFDEX_LICENSE_STRING_GOES_HERE @"090b118356d7c6afc08b6b58763...snip...56ade05a27c71c80f221" #endif but when I tried to run…
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Building a Unity project with the Affectiva SDK not working post build

I've been building a game in Unity using the Affectiva Unity SDK, and I can test the game out within Unity fine - the camera turns on, the SDK is called, and I get the response I was expecting. Yet when I go to build the project, it claims it builds…
John D
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Why does the OnImageResults listener keep appending faces to the collection when a face is lost instead of reinserting at the beginning?

I'm currently developing a desktop software solution that uses real-time communication to transfer data from a client to a server using sockets in C# WPF . The client and the server are defined in the same application but the role is decided based…
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2 answers

Affectiva emotion SDK - Unable to process a webm file using VideoDetector

I am currently developing a program using the Windows SDK. I'm trying to feed a ".webm" file into the SDK, but I'm getting the following error: Encountered an AffdexException Error opening video file: C:\1.webm …
2 answers

Affectiva emotion SDK - exception thrown when calling .setLicensePath() and setClassifierPath()

I am trying to use Affectiva emotion sdk to make a demo program. However, when I call detector.setLicensePath(), an exception is thrown (see image below). Does anyone know how to resolve this? The code is something similar to this: const…
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