Questions tagged [adonis.js]

Adonis is a full stack, open source MVC framework for Node.js. The framework is inspired by the PHP framework Laravel.

AdonisJs is an MVC Framework for Node.js.

It includes:

  • Lucid ORM
  • Database Migrations
  • Authentication System
  • OAuth
  • Mailing System
  • Data Validator
  • Testing

Learn more on the website and check out the organization on Github.

572 questions
2 answers

Debugging Node.js with Adonisjs 5 typscript in Visual Studio 2019

Does anyone know how i need to set us VS2019 to debug nodejs that uses adonisjs 5 that uses typescript. My issue is that once built the .env is not being copied to build folder. I cannot place it there as on each build all the files are deleted. Any…
1 answer

How to pass parameter to shell script in Adonis JS?

I am trying to run a shell script from a post request, I want to pass parameter from the post request to this shell script. const Helpers = use('Helpers') const util = require('util') const exec = util.promisify(require('child_process').exec) const…
2 answers

Adonis: ReferenceError view is not defined

I have controller like this class TicketController { index(){ return view.render('tickets') } } and create file in resource\view\tickets.edge and my route is const Route = use('Route') Route.resource('tickets',…
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2 answers

How to lowerCase information before Validator starts

I want to know how may I apply lowerCase() before the regex validation starts. return { name: [ rule('required') rule('regex', '/^(?=\S*[a-z])\S{8,}$/') ] } How may I make name lowerCase before validation starts?
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Adonis.js, Ionic and Cors

I'm trying to get CORS working on my adonis.js backend and ionic front end but I can't get anything working for some reason. I've added the cors provider to my app.js const providers = [ '@adonisjs/framework/providers/AppProvider', …
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1 answer

TypeError: schemaInstance[direction] is not a function

Less of a question and more of an answer. Using AdonisJS and I got this after running: adonis migration:refresh The issue was that I didn't have the down method defined. down () { }
Marc Raaz
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1 answer

Property undefined but the console.log() prints the property

I have this function: async geraQuiz(idEstudante) { let idioma = new Array() let livrosUnidadesGerarQuiz = new Array() const idsClassesEstudante = await this.getIdClassesEstudante(idEstudante) // Here i have this array return: [2,3] for(let…
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1 answer

"E_INVALID_HASHER_DRIVER: Hash driver bcryptsu does not exists. > More details:"

My password are not encrypt. E_INVALID_HASHER_DRIVER: Hash driver bcryptsu does not exists. > More details:"
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1 answer

Adonis.js populate all with related tables data

I use MySql, all relationships have been configured correctly in models and schemas: I have 3 tables: 1. posts ( main ) 2. categories ( 1 post has 1 cat, 1 cat belongs to many posts ) 3. tags ( many-to-many ) Categories and tags both have "post_id"…
1 answer

Adonis js- Load common header footer,Internal css and Internal js to view

I am new to Adonisjs and I am trying to load header, footer and the view file from controller in a common template and display the data from controller in the view file. Kindly help me get through this. Thanks
Balaji Rajendran
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1 answer

adonisjs github collaboration not possible?

I’m working with a friend to make a web application using adonisjs. I have the front page done and it is looking pretty slick at localhost:3333. I need my partner who joined the repository to be able to work on it as well. He cloned my repo after…
1 answer

When I try to install adonis Cli I get permison error

When I try to install adonis Cli I get this permison error: npm ERR! path ../lib/node_modules/@adonisjs/cli/index.js npm ERR! code EACCES npm ERR! errno -13 npm ERR! syscall symlink npm ERR! Error: EACCES: permission denied, symlink…
2 answers

Why my Node.js server is listening to port and Adonis.js not?

My English is poor sorry. I'm using AdonisJs, but have a problem. Adonis console running and showing no error but host not working. You can see the problem from below screenshot I'm running vagrant and here's my vagrantfile. Vagrant.configure("2")…
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3 answers

How can I wait for my "request" and response back to front end?

I am working on the Zoom API now. I want to send my token from ZOOM API to front-end as a response. However, "token from request" is always printed first and undefined! Then the token from Zoon API" will be followed with the token. How can I make it…
1 answer

How to translate this code from PHP in AdonisJS?

I have some code in PHP and i should translate it in AdonisJS.But i don't know PHP. This is for an endpoint for an api. $comenzi = $app['db']->fetchAll("select * from user_comenzi where user_id = ? order by id desc",array($user['id'])); …
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