Questions tagged [adonis.js]

Adonis is a full stack, open source MVC framework for Node.js. The framework is inspired by the PHP framework Laravel.

AdonisJs is an MVC Framework for Node.js.

It includes:

  • Lucid ORM
  • Database Migrations
  • Authentication System
  • OAuth
  • Mailing System
  • Data Validator
  • Testing

Learn more on the website and check out the organization on Github.

572 questions
1 answer

ERR_CONNECTION_RESET - Same with service Adonis js runing inside docker

I finished install adonis js with cli according to the documentation, but, I can't access the main page as several examples in web. When I try access, I get ERR_CONNECTION_RESET. Obs : The port is free, i already changed the .env file ;/ I have on…
1 answer

VueJS/AdonisJs image upload and usage

I'm building a webapp that needs to display some images, the frontend is build with VueJS and the backend is build with AdonisJS. I'm currently having a problem that I'm uploading images from my frontend to my backend. AdonisJS generates a storage…
0 answers

How to set a header on node js, and retrieve it in all requests? It is losing after set it

I'm trying to set a header that will contain the credentials for authorization. I'm using adonis, but the method to set the header is even not working, I used basic-auth api, but neither worked: request.header('Authorization', 'Basic…
1 answer

Gmail API search operator "newer_than" does not work

I'm using gmail-api-sync module to access Gmail mails and retrieve all sent from Google Alerts. I'm also trying to retrieve emails newer than 1 or 2 days but it doesn't work. I tried to remove the from option and it took too long, indicating it was…
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Adonis.js WebSocket Room doen't get socket

I'm starting with Adonis.js framework and I don't undestand how works websocket service. I follow the documentation about this, and try to make a room. I Let you see : // app/Ws/Controllers/ChatController.js 'use strict' class ChatController…
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How / Where does Adonis cache views?

I am learning adonisjs. The .env file has an option to set CACHE_VIEWS=true. What exactly does this do? Some frameworks store the cached views in a file, and some in memory, but how does Adonis cache views?
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1 answer

The variable inside of node-horseman evaluate is undefined

My application has API endpoints which one of them is for deleting. The unique data-id is passed by parameter /feeds/:feedID, that accesses the Controller class, giving the param value to the Operation class' variable feedID. Issue: the variable…
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1 answer

AdonisJS file upload issue. errno: -4037 code: "EXDEV"

I am trying to upload image in AdonisJS but I always get the error: errno: -4037, code: "EXDEV", syscall: "rename", path: "C:\Users\User~1.ISH\AppData\Local\Temp\upload_79c1e16bf2495246d9ba136ac6f19135", dest:…
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1 answer

AdonisJS installation error

I tried to install AdonisJS on Windows 10 according to the tutorial here: , but I always get the error message: SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: /^\/: \ at end of pattern at…
1 answer

Is it possible to do a nested query builder in AdonisJs with Lucid?

I want to know if it is possible to do a nested ".scope" query with Lucid in AdonisJs? I want to get all Orders that don't have the 'd' status in OrderItems for a given Office (Laravel uses whereHas('orders.items') for this). An example: const…
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2 answers

Running AdonisJS on

I'm trying to create a new Node.JS app using the Adonis framework. I'm using as my IDE. I've succesfully installed everything and created a new project. But when I run it (using npm run dev) keeps showing me the "No application seems to…
Pablo K
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1 answer

Javascript / Logic issue while using querying and a couple conditionals.

So I am using adonis to build a very basic back-end for an image hosting site such as reddit or imgur. I am having an issue with one of my controllers while trying to give users the ability to vote on posts, but limiting each user to vote only once…
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1 answer

AdonisJs Sharing sessions

I am working with AdonisJs framework to develop an authentication page for multiple users. This page is expected to enable users to view profile only when they are authenticated. But Adonis is now sharing sessions between every user connected to…
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Nodejs install adonis-framework get error

when i try to create simple project as adonis new awesome-project i get error: adonis new awesome-project Cloning into 'awesome-project'... cleaning project setting up app key Fixing ace file installing dependencies may take a while installing…
mahdi pishguy
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0 answers

Filtering object by single properties inside array

Lets say I have this array of object: [ { name: 'aaa', id: 20, height: 150 }, { name: 'bbb', id: 30, height: 190 }, { name: 'ccc', id: 25, height: 140 } ] Now I have an array of ids ids = [1, 5, 7, 10, 25, 30] How could I…
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