Questions tagged [adobe-brackets]

Adobe Brackets is an open source text editor originally created by Adobe. It is primarily used for development/editing of HTML, CSS and JavaScript projects, but it supports all files.

Adobe Brackets is an open source text editor developed by Adobe. It is primarily used for development/editing of HTML, CSS and JavaScript projects, but it supports all files. The important thing about Brackets is that it has been developed in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It keeps in sync with the browser, which means that every time you edit some code, the changes will be reflected in the browser on the fly. This helps eliminate the need for Firebug CSS debugging. Brackets development is still active and more features are yet to come.

Initial release: November 4, 2014

Stable release: Brackets 1.13 (Jun 18, 2018)

Preview release: Brackets 1.14 Pre Release (Apr 15, 2019)


Brackets provides several features including:

  • Quick Edit
  • Quick Docs
  • Live Preview
  • JSLint
  • LESS Support
  • Theseus Integration
  • Open Source
  • Extensibility

Quick Edit

Quick edit enables inline editing of CSS, Color Property, and JavaScript elements for developers. This built-in feature can be applied to multiple functions or properties simultaneously and all updates are applied directly to the file associated with the changed elements.

  • HTML File

    Applying quick edit to HTML elements will display all corresponding CSS properties in a box beneath the selected element. Users can choose to create new CSS rules directly within the editor and edit a tag's CSS properties inline without leaving the context of the HTML file.

  • JavaScript File

    On JavaScript functions, quick edit performs the same procedure as with HTML elements but displays the selected function’s body within the drop down box. All updates to the function’s body will propagate and update directly within the corresponding JavaScript file.

  • Files containing Hex or RGB color properties

    For color properties, quick edit will return an inline color picker for previewing and color adjustment functionality.

Live Preview

Using Live Preview, Brackets pushes code edits instantly to the browser to present an updated page without having to reload.

Two scenarios to Live Preview:

  • No Back End Logic:

    Using Live Preview, Brackets will launch the chosen HTML file in Google Chrome by supplying static content from Brackets built-in server. This procedure does not require any back end logic to support viewing changes to the HTML file.

  • Back End Logic:

    With back end logic, Brackets will direct Google Chrome to a provided project URL running on a separate server but will disable support for HTML-related features. As a result, the browser will not be able to update any HTML, PHP, etc. files in real time and element highlighting will also be disabled for these files. Only edits and element highlighting related to CSS files will be reflected in real time. All non-CSS file updates will be auto-reloaded instead. These limitations exist because providing live editing functionality for HTML files requires injecting annotations into the HTML code before the code is loaded into the browser. These injections are normally handled by Brackets built-in server but are non-existent when projects make use of separate personal servers.


  1. HTML & CSS real time updates (without reloading)
  2. Element Highlighting: Elements selected in HTML and CSS files are highlighted within the browser.

Live preview limitations

  • Currently only works with desktop Google Chrome (not open-source Chromium), as the target browser.
  • Opening developer tools in Google Chrome will close all live development connections.
  • All files to be viewed must be inside a currently open folder in Brackets.
  • Only one HTML file can be previewed at a time.
  • Real time updates are paused when syntactically invalid HTML is encountered. Brackets will resume pushing changes to the browser when the syntax is corrected.

Theseus Integration

Theseus is an open-source JavaScript debugger for Brackets that enables developers to set break points, step through code, and inspect the value of variables in real time. Theseus can be used to debug any extension in Brackets and is easily installed using the built-in extension manager. Theseus also works in conjunction with Live Preview through a proxy server that records a function and its associated values every time the function is called.


  • Displays number of times a function is called next to the function’s definition.
  • Logs all arguments received, values returned, and exceptions thrown by a function call within Brackets.

Quick Docs

Related to quick edit, quick docs is a feature used to display relevant documentation inline. In a CSS/LESS/SCSS file, quick docs will open inline documentation for any selected property. Quick Docs can also be applied to multiple properties simultaneously.


Being built with HTML, CSS, and Javascript, developers can provide additional functionality to Brackets by creating extensions. These extensions can be found and installed using the built-in extension manager. Extensions can also be found online via Brackets Extension Registry.

550 questions
6 answers Is there a way to auto indent / format

I am new to and thought I saw a shortcut key to auto indent/format HTML, however I cannot find a shortcut. Is there a shortcut or add-on that will do this for me?
Zac Smith
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5 answers

Adobe Brackets disable jslint but allow jshint

My basic question: In the Adobe Brackets editor how do I use jshint while turning off or disabling jslint? My tl;dr: When linting javascript in the Adobe Brackets editor I find that I get results for both jslint and jshint. While I have jshint…
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3 answers

Adobe brackets: write spaces instead of tabs

I am using brackets with coffeescript, but when I hit Tab, it insert a tabulation whereas i only need 2 spaces. Also, when I create a line break, the indent is tabs, and not spaces. Can I change these 2 setting ?
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6 answers

ERROR: 'console is not defined. [no-undef] - Brackets

I'm basically a beginner with JavaScript. I've installed brackets and currently playing around with variables and functions. All the outputs work fine in the console, however I keep getting this error in the editor.…
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6 answers

Adobe Brackets SFTP/FTP

I've been scouring the web since I got home from work, and to no avail I've yet to find a working Adobe Brackets SFTP(Preferably) or FTP extension. If anyone know's of one that I've possibly missed, please hook me up!
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5 answers

brackets live preview for mozilla firefox developer edition

I don't use Chrome browser. However, its very irritating that Brackets always shows live preview in Chrome. How can I set Mozilla Firefox Developer Edition as default for Bracket's live preview?
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2 answers

How to create a new project in adobe-brackets?

I've started using adobe-brackets for editing JavaScript, HTML and CSS. Currently I have the "Getting Started" project open in my side bar. I would like to create a new project, but there is no such "New Project" item in the File menu. I tried…
Lorraine Bernard
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1 answer

How to turn on PHP auto-complete in Adobe-Brackets

I have installed Adobe-Brackets 0.41. And I installed following extensions : Integrated Development PHP Syntax Hint QuickDocsPHP But when I writing PHP code (for instance mysql_) and pressing Ctrl+Space it won't complete the PHP codes! Does…
Hamed Kamrava
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3 answers

What is the difference between Adobe Edge Code and Brackets?

Mainly, which is actually better? I want to know which one to use for production and what are the actual differences between them. I'm going to be using Bootstrap in them.
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13 answers

Brackets - Live Preview not working

I found this awesome program(html editor) called Brackets and it's by Adobe. Now reason why i got the editor was because i wanted to Live Preview PHP code, but i found out later that i needed a Wamp Server. Now, i was in the mood of making an about…
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2 answers

how to add file extension in adobe-brackets editor ?

I am using files with extension in my web project and I am trying to edit in Adobe Brackets but I can't specify that it should treat this as HTML file, to provide the typical features of editing html file (like color support, grammar,…
João Paraná
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4 answers

Using Brackets for PHP files

I currently have wampserver running and I'm trying to do live preview of a php file using However when I click live preview I'm getting Project settings for: Getting Started Live preview base URL: ______________ I'm following this…
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2 answers

Brackets : how to make autocomplete / autoindent works ?

Brackets seems nice, but I'm encountering two problems using it : First, I usually autocomplete tags this way : div.class - PRESS TAB -becomes
I can't achieve that... I tried downloading a bunch of plugins, nothing…
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4 answers

How to open files in a separate tabs

I want to keep all my working files in a separate tabs in Brackets since, I am finding bit difficult to open the file in the LHS panel under "Working Files". Is there a way to do it?
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1 answer

Stop Brackets Editor from wrapping my code (HTML,CSS,JS or PHP)

How can i stop Brackets editor from wrapping my code onto the next-line. If my code line is too long for my screen, i prefer to scroll horizontally rather than have my editor fold or wrap it, making it had for me to understand my own code blocks. I…
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