Questions tagged [adaptive-icon]

Vector icon format for Android 8.0 Oreo and newer consisting of a foreground vector icon, and/or a background vector drawing and a mask for the overall shape provided by the specific Android configuration/style.

The idea, as with vector icons in general, is to reduce the need for multiple images for different combinations of Android versions and device screen resolutions. Also, the mask allows vendors to apply a style to all icons (for instance square, rounded square, circular) if desired.

Introduced with android-8.0-oreo as an xml format with an <adaptive-icon> tag in which <background> and <foreground> tags can be nested, each with an android:drawable attribute.

See also the Android developer page.

30 questions
6 answers

How do launchers change the shape of an adaptive icon, including removal of background?

Background Starting from Android O, apps can have adaptive icons, which are 2 layers of drawables: foreground and a background. The background is a mask that gets to be a shape of the launcher/user's choice, while the OS has a default shape for it…
android developer
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1 answer

How to use adaptive launcher icons with a progressive web app

The new Android 8.0 standard for adaptive launcher icons leaves my PWA's icon in a white box or circle, depending on what icon shape is set on a user's device. I would like to include an adaptive icon with my PWA but am not finding any documentation…
1 answer

Android oreo shows icon inside white round

My Android application shows launcher icon inside white circle on Android oreo version. I would like to show launcher icon as it is like square on oreo device by default. Gone through various blogs and found that : 1) Mobile user can change icon…
Nirav Shah
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1 answer

Can I use Android 8.0 Adaptive Icons for a Flutter app?

How can I use an Adaptive Icon for my Flutter app on Android 8.0 and up? The Create Image Asset dialog in Android Studio says "Project must be built with SDK 26 or later to use adaptive icons", even though my android build.gradle has…
Piggeh Person
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4 answers

Android Studio 3.3 disallows adaptive icons for SDK version less than 26

Just upgraded from Android Studio 3.2.1 to 3.3. Previously my project - targeting SDK v28 - built without problems, now I get this build error: What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugResources'. Android resource linking…
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2 answers

Why does Android Studio create the ic_launcher_foreground in res/drawable-v24 and the ic_launcher_background.xml in res/drawable?

Firstly I noticed when creating a new project in Android Studio it generates drawable-v24 folder with ic_launcher_foreground.xml icon. And my question is: If vector drawables were introduced before v24 then why does it put the vector asset in…
1 answer

android studio SVG File Import Getting ERROR @ line 8: Unsupported color format "rgba(0,0,0,0)"

Recently i started to create adaptive icons for android app SVG File Import for ic_launcher_background.xml successfully, but for ic_launcher_foreground.xml am getting error below like this ERROR @ line 8: Unsupported color format "rgba(0,0,0,0)"…
Sarath Kumar
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2 answers

Error when trying to build cordova app with adaptive icons

When trying to add an adaptive icon in config.xml I get the following error when trying to build One of the following attributes are set but missing the other for the density type: ldpi, mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi, xxxhdpi. Please ensure that all…
1 answer

How Do I Create Gradient Long Shadow For App Icon As Per Material Design Guidelines In VectorDrawables?

Actually, I am Developing An Android App. The Issue Is About Exporting Icon With Gradients In VectorDrawables. I Draw My Icons Using Adobe Illustrator And I export them To Android Studio' Asset Studio. As Per Material Design Guidelines, The Shadow…
0 answers

Default launcher icon shown instead of the adaptive one when installed from an APK

I followed the docs to implement the new adaptive icon by creating XML with in res/mipmap-anydpi-v26/cs_ic_launcher.xml. The icon is correctly set in the manifest. android:icon="@mipmap/cs_ic_launcher" It all works fine when the app…
Marcel Bro
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1 answer

How to format/size VectorDrawable for adaptive icon in android

I am trying to create an adaptive icon for an app using two VectorDrawables for background and foreground. However the foreground vector, which was created from an svg made in Illustrator, cannot be sized or placed properly in the icon. Foreground…
1 answer

Round launcher icon in android studio image asset

I noticed that some app have circle shape on any devices. Circle image I want the same for my app. But Image Asset doesn't allow to choose transparent background for adaptive icons. I tried to set transparent png image as background but it fills…
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2 answers

How to use IconCompat.createWithAdaptiveBitmap

I want to apply adaptive icons to shortcuts generated by following code (code is only for reference, it does not compile): ShortcutInfoCompat shortcut = new ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder(context, "com.myapp.mainactivity") …
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0 answers

Not-adaptive icons on Android 8

I'm working on an app that gets a really ugly icon on Android 8 (like the LinkedIn app in the image below). To solve this issue, the Internet says that I need to implement adaptive icons. Fair enough. The problem is that the company that owns the…
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1 answer

Expo Android Adaptive Icon Not Appearing

I am using Expo with my React Native application and have reached the point of building the app and deploying it on the Play Store. However, I am having an issue with setting Android Adaptive Icon (foreground/background) fields in the app.json file.…