Questions tagged [activeandroid]

ActiveAndroid is an active record style ORM (object relational mapper) for Android.

ActiveAndroid allows you to save and retrieve SQLite database records without writing SQL statements. Each database record is wrapped into an object with methods like save() and delete().

The library is open sourced under the Apache 2.0 License.


slidenerd Series

235 questions
3 answers

Green DAO vs ORM lite vs Active Android

Which is the best ORM tool available for Android? I am seeing ORMlite and ActiveAndroid are the most discussed across and a friend of mine suggested me to use GreenDAO. So looking for some knowledge resource which can help me in Decision…
Ravi G
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10 answers

SecurityException: Failed to find provider null for user 0; on ActiveAndroid on Android 8.0

I have an app that is using ActiveAndroid and it's been working fine. However; now when I try to save a model to the database I'm getting a SecurityException. The stack is: Error saving model java.lang.SecurityException: Failed to find provider…
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6 answers

Android - Which one to use Active Android or Realm

I have been using ActiveAndroid for a while and i recently heard about Realm being another good option. I was thinking about changing my app to use Realm but before doing that,i was looking if someone has done the performance comparison between…
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1 answer

ActiveAndroid abstract class table

Does anyone know if it is possible to create a table for an abstract class in ActiveAndroid. For example i could have an abstract class Animal with two concrete classes Dog and Cat. I want to be able to do something like: List animals = new…
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2 answers

Gson and Active Android: Attempted to serialize java.lang.Class. Forgot to register a type adapter?

I'm using Gson to serialize an Active Android model. The model class contains only primitives, and Gson should have no issues serializing it with the default settings. However, when I try, I get the error: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException:…
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2 answers

Android - ORMlite vs. ActiveAndroid differences?

are there any significant differences in terms of speed, scalability, ... between theese two ORM solution for Android SQLite - ORMlite vs. ActiveAndroid? First one is free, second is commercial and thus paid. What is better to use and…
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6 answers

Why Active Android is not working with gradle 2.0?

I am using Active Android in my app. It was working fine till I upgraded my Android Studio to 2.0 from 1.3. With this upgrade my gradle also got upgraded to 2.0 which is causing some issue with the Active Android. I am getting this error when…
1 answer

Use ActiveAndroid on existing database-content

I developed an Android-App where I saved data in a SQLite database using the SQLiteOpenHelper. I am wondering if I could update my app by using ActiveAndroid, but in a way that the user data previously stored in the database will be preserved. Is…
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3 answers

ActiveAndroid Update() query

I'm trying to make a bulk update to a column using ActiveAndroid. Here's my code: new Update(SomeModel.class).set("Enabled = 0").execute(); But I'm getting a StackOverflowError. (Edit: My bad, the error was somewhere else). Does anyone know how to…
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6 answers

ActiveAndroid SQLite exception 'No such table'

I'm having a problem with active-android. I at trying to fetch user location, number of passengers and general direction. I want to save these to phone storage in a table called "Splits" using activeAndroid. But whenever I call the save() method i…
Matt Baech
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1 answer

ActiveAndroid app autocloses when run on Gingerbread

I have an app developed with Android Studio and Gradle. The app uses ActiveAndroid. The app works perfectly on 3.0 and up. When run on a Gingerbread device it just opens, white screen, and then closes automatically. The only clue given in the logcat…
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1 answer

How can I use Active Android with an in memory database for unit tests using Robolectric?

As the title says. I am aware that there is a limited in memory database provided in robolectric. Is there any way to use this with Active Android? Under the default configuration, it appears that the database is cleared after all the tests are…
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1 answer

Active Android many-to-many relationship

Although this question is about ActiveAndroid, anyone who is familiar with ORMs could probably answer this question. ActiveAndroid doesn't seem to give you a way to do many-to-many relationships out of the box. What I found while searching for a…
Barum Rho
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3 answers

ActiveAndroid Many-to-many relationship

I’m currently using ActiveAndroid, and have been trying to get a many-to-many relationship to work for the past few hours, however I just can’t get it to work. I hope you can help me out: I have the models “Student” and “Course”, a student can have…
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2 answers

How to disable scanning for model in Activeandroid

I would like to define my model classes in AndroidManifest.xml file using AA_MODEL tag and disable auto search. Because currently I get errors when application starts similar to: Couldn't create class. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:…
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