Questions tagged [acronym]

Acronyms are a series of letters that form a word based on another word or phrase.

Acronyms are a series of letters that form a word based on another word or phrase.

Typically they are formed by taking the first letter of each word in a phrase (excluding connecting words like the, and, for, etc), ex:

  • NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  • SCRAM - Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor
  • MADD - Mothers Against Drunk Driving
  • TLD - Top Level Domain

Some acronyms will use additional letters from a word in order to create an acronym that sounds or looks more like a real word, or a pun.

92 questions
5 answers

What does MVW stand for?

Here's the content description for AngularJS page: AngularJS is what HTML would have been, had it been designed for building web-apps. Declarative templates with data-binding, MVW, MVVM, MVC, dependency injection and great testability story all…
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11 answers

Acronyms in CamelCase

I have a doubt about CamelCase. Suppose you have this acronym: Unesco = United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. You should write: unitedNationsEducationalScientificAndCulturalOrganization But what if you need to write the…
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8 answers

What is a UUID?

Well, what is one?
doctor smith
9 answers

What does .NET stand for? Is it an acronym?

I've seen pronunciation guides and all sorts of definitions of .NET as a framework, but no definition or explanation of the actual name of the framework. Wikipedia doesn't seem to know. This question didn't cover it. Anybody know? Is it pure…
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7 answers

Difference between and ?

Definitionally they seem the same, yet they are deemed dissimilar enough by the W3C to have separate tag definitions. What is the semantic difference between and in terms of linguistics, the HTML spec and interpretation.
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5 answers

What is the opposite of TDD?

Test Driven Development (TDD) and its benefits are well defined. The same can be said for practices like Behavior Driven Development (BDD). Each represents a software development technique that advocates greater discipline before you start…
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2 answers

What does CXF stands for in "Apache CXF"?

What does CXF abbreviation mean? What is "C" ? What is "X" ? What is "F" ?
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7 answers

DTO, DAO, and DCO. What is a DCO?

My search for the meaning of DCO was quite fruitless, so I decided to ask here. In my Java application, there are many classes like EmployeeDetailsDto, EmployeeDetailsDao, but recently I also came across EmployeeDetailsDco. Does anyone know what…
Peter Perháč
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9 answers

How to build Acronyms of a phrase in PHP

I'm looking for a way that I can extract the first letter of each word from an input field and place it into a variable. Example: if the input field is "Stack-Overflow Questions Tags Users" then the output for the variable should be something like…
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1 answer

What does BEAM stand for in iex for the Elixir programming language?

What do the letters B. E. A. and M. stand for? I recall seeing an explanation of the acronym "BEAM", but I have not managed to find it again. It comes up in error codes: ➜ gentoo iex Erlang/OTP 17 [erts-6.4.1] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8]…
Nathan Basanese
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1 answer

c3p0 acronym origin - jdbc connection pool name

Can anyone share the origin and meaning of the jdbc connection pool named c3p0. Was it inspired from star wars?.
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2 answers

Glued acronyms and golang naming convention

Is there a way to make the constants below to be more readable without breaking golang naming convention? const ( // stream types MPEGDASHStream = iota HLSStream = iota MPEGTSUDPStream = iota MPEGTSRTPStream = iota )
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2 answers

What does Qt stand for?

I am a fan of Qt and the more i learn about it, the more i love it. I don't know why it is named Qt. I searched it but all of the results where irrelevant. Most were acronyms like "Quality Time" and some were "cutie" or "quiet". I thought may be it…
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2 answers

Apple VoiceOver reading words as acronyms. Can this be controlled?

We have an issue where the Apple VoiceOver screen reader is reading words as acronyms. Here's an example: "NEW & USED" will read as "N-E-W and Used" We have honed in on the issue a bit and are seeing that words which are 3 characters or less and…
1 answer

What are the origins of terms DDL, DML and DCL?

I'm familiar with the definitions of DDL, DML, and DCL as applied to SQL. There are lots of web sites and books that define and explain them. But no one seems to give an authoritative reference. I'm interested in the origin of these terms. Did SQL…
Garret Wilson
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