I am debugging this ajax for quite a time now. I have this on my jQUery file:

    success : function(html){

This calls service.php, and within it I have this:

$data = array('upload_data' => $this->upload->data());
$str = "<div style='position:relative'><img src='/assets/ui/success.png' /><span style='position:relative;top:-15px;'>Nachricht empfangen!</span></div>";
echo json_encode(array('file_name' => $data['upload_data']['file_name'], 'prompt' => $str));

This won't work. But by replacing $str to $str = "HELLO WORLD"; the jQuery alerts what should I expected. What seems to be the problem?


Here is a screenie of the output:

enter image description here

It does alerts, but if I modify my jQuery into this:

    success : function(html){
        var obj = $.parseJSON(html);

Then it does nothing at all, even alerting.

I did a var_dump on the json_encode and here is the dump, it looks like a malformed JSON:

string(214) "{"file_name":"cde595988d386529909ce5a8fe3a6d6f.png","prompt":"<div style="position:relative;"><img src="\/assets\/ui\/success.png" \=""><span style="position:relative;top:-15px;">Nachricht empfangen!&lt;\/span&gt;&lt;\/div&gt;"}"

Here is the full content of service.php

class Service extends CI_Controller
    public function __construct()
    public function index()
        $filename = 'uploadfile';

        $config['upload_path'] = './uploads/temp';
        $config['allowed_types'] = 'jpg|png|gif|doc|docx|pdf|ppt|pptx|xls|xlsx|bmp';
        $config['max_size'] = '3072';
        $config['encrypt_name'] = TRUE;
        $config['remove_spaces'] = TRUE;

        $this->load->library('upload', $config);

        if (!$this->upload->do_upload($filename))
            $error = array('error' => $this->upload->display_errors());
                    echo json_encode(array('error' => $error['error']));
            $data = array('upload_data' => $this->upload->data());
            $file_name = $data['upload_data']['file_name'];
            //echo json_encode(array('test' => "Hello World"));
            $str = "<div style='position:relative;'><img src='/assets/ui/success.png' /><span style='position:relative;top:-15px;'>Nachricht empfangen!</span></div>";
            $str2 = json_encode(array("file_name" => $file_name, "prompt" => $str));
            exit(json_encode(array('file_name' => $data['upload_data']['file_name'], 'prompt' => $str)));
planet x
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8 Answers8


I was having same problem with json_encode today. But after testing a lot I found the correct solution:

In PHP to encode the array or string:

json_encode($array, JSON_HEX_QUOT | JSON_HEX_TAG);

In JS to decode the same:

var d = $.parseJSON(content);
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Abhishek Sachan
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    Amazing answer! That's the way to do it. – Antonio Max Sep 19 '13 at 18:31
  • I was having the same issue but I was almost to the solution. I was using `json_encode($json, JSON_HEX_QUOT | JSON_HEX_APOS)`. Changing the `JSON_HEX_APOS` to `JSON_HEX_TAG` made my problems disappear! – MLK.DEV Mar 08 '14 at 03:46
  • 2
    Guys... you saved my life! Thank you. Long life for stack overflow community! – Roberto Conte Rosito Oct 01 '16 at 08:17
  • `{"link":"https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/app_scoped_user_id\/YXNpZADpBWEdrUlJiUzc0SWFWZATI4SEVJUmJHTTJQVHU2M3owcTJLOHh5MnJYOTI0LWdMT3VFUC1veXNWdXBhM3o3RzdkQmV4cjNfTC1nSkdheGFhV19pWWU5T1ZAWSzlkN0NBTUl4NVZAKTE9oRjlFbjdObU5i\/","id":"1686741234967769"}1` I have this html coming from facebook, I tried converting that into JSON but its not working.. I did like this.. `$request = json_encode($json, JSON_HEX_QUOT | JSON_HEX_TAG);` Please help – Salman Riyaz Jul 05 '18 at 09:09

How about convert all the potential problem characters instead of just what fixes the problem in this circumstance:




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Some stuff to try:

ajaxForm supports dataType argument, if you expect a JSON coming from the server, use dataType: json like so

    success : function(html){
       // html here is already automatically a json object
    dataType: 'json'

Could you post the full service.php? OR try the following:

exit(json_encode(array('file_name' => $data['upload_data']['file_name'], 'prompt' => $str)));

-- EDIT --

Not sure why json_encode returns such weird string :s, is the json_encode a standard php library or an external library? I'm asking this because some servers don't have json_encode in their php installation... I tested on my local and using php internal json_encode and it works fine:

$str = "<div style='position:relative'><img src='/assets/ui/success.png' /><span style='position:relative;top:-15px;'>Nachricht empfangen!</span></div>";
echo json_encode(array('prompt' => $str));

// output
//{"prompt":"<div style='position:relative'><img src='\/assets\/ui\/success.png' \/><span style='position:relative;top:-15px;'>Nachricht empfangen!<\/span><\/div>"}
Andreas Wong
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  • Thanks for this, but no it doesn't work. If I did this, then it won't alert at all. – planet x Mar 19 '12 at 03:36
  • Do you have a test page on this? Easier if I could go through and test directly – Andreas Wong Mar 19 '12 at 03:37
  • and yes it won't alert as dataType json would expect a valid json string, in which case "HELLO WORLD" isn't a valid json – Andreas Wong Mar 19 '12 at 03:38
  • thanks, but none i don't have a test page for this. it's set on my local. I guess this concerns a malformed JSON because if I var_dump the json_encode it looks like a well-malformed JSON. – planet x Mar 19 '12 at 03:44
  • If you are using chrome browser, press F12 and look on the bottom right corner, if you see something like `(x) 1`, it might tell you. json_encode should properly escape your HTML, so don't worry too much about that http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9492916/putting-html-in-json – Andreas Wong Mar 19 '12 at 03:45
  • edited my answer... it seems your service.php has extra markup towards the end of the script – Andreas Wong Mar 19 '12 at 03:59

If you cannot find a better solution for this you can encode the value to base64 encoding:

$data = array('upload_data' => $this->upload->data());
$str = base64_encode("<div style='position:relative'><img src='/assets/ui/success.png' /><span style='position:relative;top:-15px;'>Nachricht empfangen!</span></div>");
echo json_encode(array('file_name' => $data['upload_data']['file_name'], 'prompt' => $str));

and in the client decode it, IMO this is more safer this is also more applicable if you're processing characters from different languages.


to sure that no other characters will be added on the json string call exit; writer after you print it.

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  • for chrome or mozilla you can use atob() or btoa() – jerjer Mar 19 '12 at 05:15
  • for other browsers u can use this js library http://ntt.cc/2008/01/19/base64-encoder-decoder-with-javascript.html or this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/246801/how-can-you-encode-to-base64-using-javascript – jerjer Mar 19 '12 at 05:16
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    this is good idea, base64 encode on php side and base64 decode on js side. – Wasim A. Mar 23 '18 at 07:33
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    I really prefer this approach because you don't have to mess with any json_encode flags! – Rick Dec 29 '20 at 19:18

You should call only prompt object of your array not all! like below:

    success : function(html){
        var obj = $.parseJSON(html);

JSON doesn't play well with string output that comes out of magic method __toString() - it nearly impossible to json_encode() anything that even remotely touched something like this.

 * SO MUCH FUN, 10/10,
class Nightmare {
  protected $str;
  public function __construct($str) {
    $this->str = $str;
  public function __toString() {
    return $this->str;

$test = new Nightmare('Hello Friends.');
echo $test;
> Hello Friends.

// cooool, so let's JSON the hell out of it, EASY

echo json_encode(['our_hello' => $test]);
// This what you expect to get, right?
> {"our_hello":"Hello Friends."}

// HAHA NO!!!
> {"our_hello":{}}

// and this is why is that:

object(Nightmare)#1 (1) {
  string(14) "Hello Friends."

Nightmare Object
    [str:protected] => Hello Friends.
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    Please keep in mind that Stack Overflow strives to be a professional knowledge base. Jokes and inappropriate language have no place here – Adriaan Jan 07 '20 at 11:21
  • Thank you for demonstrating in a humorous way the problem you encountered. Keep up the good work! – E.Bradford Jan 30 '21 at 00:11

It looks like you need to escape your quotes server-side. Since they are in there, it seems to be creating an invalid JSON string.

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string(214) "{"file_name":"cde595988d386529909ce5a8fe3a6d6f.png","prompt":"<div style="position:relative;"><img src="\/assets\/ui\/success.png" \=""><span style="position:relative;top:-15px;">Nachricht empfangen!&lt;\/span&gt;&lt;\/div&gt;"}"

This seems to be broken because there's no quote escaping. When an unescaped " is found, it breaks the JSON structure you expect. Escaped " should be \", single quotes with \' and so on.

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