I wrote a script that first geocodes an address and then displays a map of that address. The trouble is, it only works in Chrome / Chromium. Other browsers (Firefox 10 & IE9) display a grey box. A problem that could be related, if I add a marker to the map, the marker does not show in Chrome.

I know that :

  • I connect with the API successfully with my API key.
  • The address is properly geocoded.
  • I use jQuery UI dialog to display the map. This, however, does not seem to be a problem. Removing the dialog and using a static div creates the same "grey box" result.

Below is my script, how I invoke it, and the website that I am using this on.

Here's the script:

function Map(properties)
  var that      = this;

  // the HTML div
  this.element  = properties.element;
  // address string to geocode
  this.address  = properties.address;
  // title to use on the map and on the jQuery dialog
  this.title    = properties.title;

  this.latlng   = null;
  this.map      = null;
  this.markers  = [];

  // geocode address and callback
  new google.maps.Geocoder().geocode({'address': this.address}, function(data)
    // geocoded latitude / longitude object
    that.latlng = data[0].geometry.location;
    // map options
    var options =
      zoom: 16,
      center: that.latlng,
      zoomControl: false,
      streetViewControl: false,
      mapTypeControl: false,
      mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
     // create a map
     that.map = new google.maps.Map(that.element, options);
     // add a marker
     that.markers.push(new google.maps.Marker({map: that.map,
                                               position: that.latlng,
                                               title: that.title + "\n" +
  this.get_google_map = function()
    return that.map;
  // creates a jQuery UI dialog with a map
  this.show_in_dialog = function()
    // because the dialog can resize, we need to inform the map about this
    $(that.element).dialog({ width: 400, height: 300, title: that.title,
    resizeStop: function(event) 
      google.maps.event.trigger(that.map, 'resize'); 
    open: function(event) 
      google.maps.event.trigger(that.map, 'resize'); 
  this.center = function()

Here's how I invoke it :

// grab the address via HTML5 attribute
var address     = $("#address").attr("data-address");
// ... and the title
var title       = $("#address").attr("data-title") + " Map";
var map_element = document.createElement('div');

// append the newly created element to the body

// create my own map object
var map         = new Map({ element : map_element, 
                            address : address, 
                            title : title });

// bind a link to show the map
  return false;

And here's the URL of the problem (click on map): http://testing.fordservicecoupons.com/dealer/30000/premium_coupon_page

Last but not least, I combine and obfuscate my JavaScripts, so what you see above is not exactly the same as in the source on the website.

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  • Your obfuscation does no-one any favours. I suspect that you need to tell the map its div has changed size or become visible (different browsers handle that differently); but there's no way to check that. – Andrew Leach Mar 18 '12 at 18:15
  • I don't care about making my code unreadable. I only use it for the purpose of shortening down my scripts even more. As for the resize, I do define a jQuery UI 'open' event in which I trigger Google Map's resize event. – mateusz Mar 18 '12 at 18:31
  • In that case please make your code readable so we can run a debugger on it meaningfully. – Andrew Leach Mar 18 '12 at 18:33
  • I just disabled obfucation. I didn't think it was necessary as the script above is quite short and function names do remain the same in the obfuscated version (I use YUI tools). – mateusz Mar 18 '12 at 18:39
  • Disabled minification also, in case that's an issue. – mateusz Mar 18 '12 at 18:51

2 Answers2


This doesn't look good:

resizeStop: function(event) { google.maps.event.trigger(that.element, 'resize'); },
open: function(event) { google.maps.event.trigger(that.element, 'resize'); }

you trigger the resize-event on the element that contains the map(that.element), but you must trigger resize on the google.maps.Map-object (what should be that.map in this case)

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Wow... Here was the issue.

The layout that I built was a fluid layout. So, one of the first CSS rules that I have written was:

img, div { max-width: 100%; }

So that divs and images can scale. Well, for whatever reason, Google maps DOES NOT like this rule with the end result being a grey box.

And so I added another rule - an exception for Google maps:

img.no_fluid, div.no_fluid { max-width: none; }

And then, in javascript:


The find('*') will get us all the descendants.


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