I got a problem with Hudson Plugins installation and I can´t find a solution.

Server: Tomcat 6.0.16
System: Ubuntu 10.4
Hudson: Hudson 2.2
Java Version: JDK 1.7.0_03

My problem:
I updated Hudson from version 2.1 to 2.2. all builds running as before. But the Plugins that I installed on my old Hudson version doesn’t appear in the Hudson Plugin Manager under "installed". When I install the old Plugins (FindBugs,PMD,...) in Hudson again, the installation process runs successfully but after restart Hudson the Plugins doesn’t appear neither under "installed". So I can’t install any Hudson Plugin.

Have someone an idea how I can find out where the problem is?

Thx for your answers

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1 Answers1


I solved my problem!

I think the problem were the old plugin artifacts that still were in the var/local/hudson/plugin directory.

The instructions to solve my problem:

  • Stop and undeploy Hudson on the Tomcat
  • Delete all Hudson Plugins in the var/local/Hudson/plugin directory
  • Deploy Hudson on the Tomcat (All required Hudson Plugins were installed from Hudson)

    Now the installation of new Hudson Plugins is possible again. ;)

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