I found this in a jQuery file:

xxx.css({ 'float' : 'right' });

What do the curly braces do?

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11 Answers11


In your case it is an object passed to your css function.

myObj={} // a blank object

Here you can use this too

myObj={'float' : 'right'}

Here is another example of object

var myObj={
    'methodOne':function(){ alert('methodOne has been called!')}        
myObj.methodOne();​ // It will alert 'methodOne has been called!'

A fiddle is here.

The Alpha
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    There is no good reason in creating a global variable for this purpose though. – ThiefMaster Mar 14 '12 at 09:31
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    Thanks and it was only for an example to make it clear to OP. – The Alpha Mar 14 '12 at 09:33
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    this is a question about _syntax_ and hence there absolutely exists brilliant reason in creating a variable for this purpose. In fact, perhaps the answer might want to include something along the lines of `myObj.varOne` takes the value of `'One'` – lol Jul 08 '13 at 16:57

The curly braces in the code you've shown define an object literal

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  • But why does OP have 'float':'right' instead of float: 'right'? Like the link you asserted. – Ke Ke Jan 06 '20 at 12:29
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    @KeKe both syntaxes are valid. The [language specification](https://es5.github.io/#x11.1.5) allows to define object property names using numeric literals, **string** literals (like in OP's example) and [identifier names](https://es5.github.io/#x7.6) (like in the Mozilla Developer Portal). The word `float` fulfills all syntax requirements of an identifier name, so quotes can be ommited. – Rafael Jan 07 '20 at 20:05
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    @KeKe also please keep in mind, that `float` *was* a reserved word in ECMAScript 3. In the past (before ECMAScript 5 spec got released) [some browsers](http://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es5/#test-Object/array_literal_extensions_Reserved_words_as_property_names) didn't allow reserved words as object property names without using quotes. Also some tools (e.g. [YUI Compressor](https://stackoverflow.com/a/18533285/80720)) failed on such code. – Rafael Jan 07 '20 at 20:15

In javascript curly braces are used for several purposes.

I your case these are used to create a key-value pair.

In others cases curly braces are used to combine a set of statements in a block. And sometimes they are used to create objects like var abc = { "a": 1, "b": 2 };

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It's an object literal.

var x = {'float': 'right'} is the nicer/shorter form of var x = new Object(); x.float = 'right';

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curly braces identify an Object like so:

timObject = {
    property1 : "Hello",
    property2 : "MmmMMm",
    property3 : ["mmm", 2, 3, 6, "kkk"],
    method1 : function(){alert("Method had been called" + this.property1)}

in jQuery they are used to provide an Object with options for your method. You could also write your code like so xxx.css("width","10px").css("font-size","30px"); But passing it an Object makes it faster and more readable

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Creates an object.

var myObject = {"element" : "value"};
alert(myObject.element); // Would alert: "value"
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That is an object literal

An object literal is a list of zero or more pairs of property names and associated values of an object

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Basically the curly braces {} are the another way for creating objects in javascript. This is equivalent to the "new Object()" syntax.

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This is the top search engine result for "javascript braces". As such it's worth mentioning that braces in JavaScript can be used for:

Markus R
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Creates Object Literal.

Read more if you want here: http://www.dyn-web.com/tutorials/obj_lit.php


They encapsualte the css attributes in this example.

Normally curly brackets represent a function or an encapsulated piece of code that needs to be executed as one.

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