I am setting up Amazon CloudFront to distribute the contents of an S3 bucket and it works fine when I use the xxxxxxx.cloudfront.net Amazon gives me.

However, I want to use static.mydomain.com to access my files. I have followed Amazon's instructions and have added a CNAME record from static.mydomain.com to xxxxxx.cloudfront.net and I have also specified that CNAME (static.mydomain.com) in my CloudFront distribution properties.

Still, I can't access my files from static.mydomain.com.

I am with MediaTemple and static.mydomain.com only serves me the default MediaTemple server page. When I request static.mydomain.com/myfile.css it gives me 'Sorry, invalid request'.

Any idea?

Jonathan Roy
  • 863
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1 Answers1


you need to add your domain static.mydomain.com into "Alternate Domain Names(CNAMEs)" also make sure your files have read access to anyone, in other words, your files are public.

Paul Ma
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