How can I change the style of a particular row based on a condition? I can use JSF EL in rich:column style class attribute, but I have to write for each column. I want to change the entire row.


Luca Molteni
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7 Answers7


Specifically for each column:

<rich:column styleClass="#{someBean.isSomething ? 'styleIfTrue' : 'styleIfFalse' }">
  • Good answer. What's even better is to combine this suggestion with the [accepted answer](http://stackoverflow.com/a/967401/543738), then the style could be applied once to each row. – Mr. Lance E Sloan Mar 02 '13 at 15:11

I do as you've already mentioned and put the style on the column.

However you could always try wrapping all of your columns in a <rich:columnGroup> which is supposed to output a <tr> and place your conditional style on that.

EDIT: (in response to comment): if the header facets in your columns are being broken then you can separate them into a column group as well. Should work - you may not even need the column group in the header??


  <f:facet name="header">
      <rich:column>Header 1</rich:column>
      <rich:column>Header 1</rich:column>
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This is my code, there is a checkbox on each row, if a checkbox is selected, the row is highlighted:

<rich:dataTable value="#{manageOutstandingApprovals.approvalsResults}" var="approvals" styleClass="wp100 mtb20"  sortMode="single" id="approvalsTable"  
            enableContextMenu="false" selectionMode="none" reRender="actions" rows="10">

        <rich:column styleClass="#{approvals.rowcolor}" width="5%" sortBy="#{approvals.documentType}" sortOrder="#{manageOutstandingApprovals.documentTypeSort}">
          <f:facet name="header">
            <h:outputText value="#{messages['outstandingApprovals.documentType']}"/>
          <h:outputText  value="#{messages[approvals.documentType]}" id="col1"/>

        <rich:column styleClass="#{approvals.rowcolor}" width="5%" sortBy="#{approvals.documentID}" sortOrder="#{manageOutstandingApprovals.documentIDSort}">
          <f:facet name="header">
            <h:outputText value="#{messages['outstandingApprovals.documentID']}"/>
          <h:outputText value="#{approvals.documentID}" id="col2"/>

        <rich:column styleClass="#{approvals.rowcolor}" width="10%" sortBy="#{approvals.dateSubmitted}" sortOrder="#{manageOutstandingApprovals.dateSubmittedSort}">
          <f:facet name="header">
            <h:outputText value="#{messages['outstandingApprovals.dateSubmitted']}"/>
          <h:outputText value="#{approvals.dateSubmitted}" id="col3"/>

        <rich:column styleClass="#{approvals.rowcolor}" width="15%" sortBy="#{approvals.submittedBy}" sortOrder="#{manageOutstandingApprovals.submittedBySort}">
          <f:facet name="header">
            <h:outputText value="#{messages['outstandingApprovals.submittedBy']}"/>
          <h:outputText value="#{approvals.submittedBy}"  id="col4"/>

        <rich:column styleClass="#{approvals.rowcolor}" width="20%" sortBy="#{approvals.orgName}" sortOrder="#{manageOutstandingApprovals.organizationSort}">
          <f:facet name="header">
            <h:outputText value="#{messages['outstandingApprovals.userOrg']}"/>
          <h:outputText value="#{approvals.orgName}"  id="col5"/>

        <rich:column styleClass="#{approvals.rowcolor}" width="5%" sortBy="#{approvals.value}" sortOrder="#{manageOutstandingApprovals.valueSort}">
          <f:facet name="header">
            <h:outputText value="#{messages['outstandingApprovals.value']}"/>
          <h:outputText value="#{approvals.value}"  id="col6"/>

        <rich:column styleClass="#{approvals.rowcolor}" width="20%" sortBy="#{approvals.approverUserName}" sortOrder="#{manageOutstandingApprovals.approverSort}">
          <f:facet name="header">
            <h:outputText value="#{messages['outstandingApprovals.approver']}"/>
          <h:outputText value="#{approvals.approverUserName}" id="col7"/>

        <rich:column styleClass="#{approvals.rowcolor}" width="15%" sortBy="#{approvals.dateAssigned}" sortOrder="#{manageOutstandingApprovals.assignedSort}">
          <f:facet name="header">
            <h:outputText value="#{messages['outstandingApprovals.assigned']}"/>
          <h:outputText value="#{approvals.dateAssigned}"  id="col8"/>

        <rich:column styleClass="#{approvals.rowcolor}" width="5%" sortBy="#{approvals.dateOutstanding}"  sortOrder="#{manageOutstandingApprovals.numOutstandingSort}">
          <f:facet name="header">
            <h:outputText value="#{messages['outstandingApprovals.daysOutstanding']}"/>
          <h:outputText value="#{approvals.dateOutstanding}"  id="col9"/>

        <rich:column styleClass="#{approvals.rowcolor}">
          <f:facet name="header">
            <h:outputText value="#{messages['outstandingApprovals.selectButton']}" title="#{messages['outstandingApprovals.selectButtonTitle']}"/>
          <h:selectBooleanCheckbox class="chkbx" value="#{approvals.selected}" id="selectBox" title="#{messages['outstandingApprovals.selectButtonTitle']}">
            <a:support event="onclick" ajaxSingle="true" reRender="approvalsTable" /> 

In my backing bean:

public String getRowcolor() {
    if (selected) // selected is a variable whose value is from the checkBox  
        return "row-highlight-color"; // css id
        return "row-white-color"; // css id
Sandip Armal Patil
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  • I don't like this much because if the table cells have space between them, the background color may show through. Also, as another user mentioned in a different thread, it's a lot of clutter in the bean to have display-specific logic. It would be better to remove `getRowcolor()` and use the ternary operator in the page: `styleClass="#{approvals.selected == true ? 'row-highlight-color' : 'row-white-color' }"` – Mr. Lance E Sloan Mar 02 '13 at 15:04

Use rowClasses ... You can set a nice zebra style for example, and set a particular color when your value is set to what you want :

Here an example where my value is a boolean. (rowkey is the index of each row, you have to set it as this in rich:datatable :


rowClasses="#{myBean.is_validValue == false ? (rowkey mod 2 == 0 ? 'order-table-even-row' : 'order-table-odd-row') : 'found'}"

I set Found class style when ma value == true.


background-color: #FACC2E;
background-color: #FCFFFE;

background-color: #ECF3FE;
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When using h:datatable, create a bean method and call this to determine the style. Perhaps this could also be done for a rich:datatable?

    public String getStyleSelectedOrderRows() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        String[] oddEven = new String[]{"oddRow,", "evenRow,"};
        int i = 0;
        for (MyObject object: myObjectList) {
            sb.append(object.isSelected() ? "selected," : oddEven[i++ % 2]);
        return sb.toString();

and in the .xhtml:

<h:dataTable rowClasses="#{bean.styleSelectedOrderRows}"

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  • It's better not to have display-specific code in the bean. Use the ternary operator instead. See my [other comment](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/963971/how-to-conditionally-style-a-row-in-a-richdatatable#comment21375851_11871439) in this thread. Also, `h:datatable` already has hooks for odd/even row styling, right? – Mr. Lance E Sloan Mar 02 '13 at 15:08

You can use the dataTables columnClasses and rowClasses properties.

That way you can produce the result which is shown here

Chris Dale
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  • That won't allow you to set the style conditionally unless you put in as many class names as you have rows. – Damo Jun 08 '09 at 22:40
  • Ahh Im sorry he want conditional styling on every single row. I thought he wanted to place conditional formatting on all the rows, but didnt want to write the condition for all the columns – Chris Dale Jun 09 '09 at 05:52

I've done an hybrid solution with Javascript.

<rich:column styleClass="expired" rendered="#{documento.expired}">
<f:facet name="header">
Da evadere entro
<h:outputText value="#{documento.timeAgoInWords}" />

and then in Javascript (with Prototype which is included in Richfaces)

<script type="text/javascript">   
  function colorize() {    
    $$('td.expired').each(function(el) {

  Event.observe(window, 'load', function() {


this add a conditional css class with rendered:

<rich:column styleClass="expired" rendered="#{documento.expired}">

with javascript I loop on every td with css class expired $$('td.expired') and add the same css class to the upper node tr with el.up().

Event.observe(window, 'load', function() {});

this simply runs the function when the DOM is fully loaded.

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  • Seems interesting: could you explain it a little? I mean, I understand you put the 'scaduto' and 'expired' class to element, but the requirements where to color the entire row. I mean, since there's not condition on the column, how do you change the class based on a value on the bean? Thanks a lot :) – Luca Molteni Jun 16 '09 at 07:42
  • I've edited the post, it's clear now? :) I can post full source code if you want. – Luke Jun 16 '09 at 08:27
  • Isn't that unnecessarily complex? JavaScript isn't needed to solve the original question. – Mr. Lance E Sloan Mar 02 '13 at 15:13