I am trying to get the "date" from the second cell in the table using regex, but it is not matching, and I really can't find out why.

my $str = '"    
    <td class="fieldLabel" height="18">Activation Date:</td>
    <td class="dataEntry" height="18">

if ( $str =~ /Activation Date.*<td.*>(.*)</gm ) {
    print "matched: ".$1;
    print "mismatched!";
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2 Answers2


Others have already pointed out that you want the /s option to make . match a newline so you can cross logical line boundaries with .*. You might also want the non-greedy .*?:

use v5.10;

my $html = <<'HTML';    
    <td class="fieldLabel" height="18">Activation Date:</td>
    <td class="dataEntry" height="18">

my $regex = qr|
    <td.*?>Activation \s+ Date:</td>
if ( $html =~ $regex ) {
    say "matched: $1";
else {
    say "mismatched!";

(2020 Update) But I'd use Mojo::DOM and CSS Selectors to get the date. The particular selector may depend on the complete HTML source, but the idea is the same:

use v5.10;

use Mojo::DOM;
use Mojo::Util qw(trim);

my $html = <<'HTML';
    <td class="fieldLabel" height="18">Activation Date:</td>
    <td class="dataEntry" height="18">

my $dom = Mojo::DOM->new( $html );
my $date = trim( $dom->at( 'td.dataEntry' )->all_text );

say "Date is $date";

If you have the complete table, it's easier to use something that knows how to parse tables. Let a module such as There's also HTML::TableParser handle all of the details:

use v5.10;

my $html = <<'HTML';
    <td class="fieldLabel" height="18">Activation Date:</td>
    <td class="dataEntry" height="18">

use HTML::TableParser;
sub row {
    my( $tbl_id, $line_no, $data, $udata ) = @_;
    return unless $data->[0] eq 'Activation Date';
    say "Date is $data->[1]";
# create parser object
my $p = HTML::TableParser->new( 
    { id => 1, row => \&row, } 
    { Decode => 1, Trim => 1, Chomp => 1, } 
$p->parse( $html );

There's also HTML::TableExtract:

use v5.10;

my $html = <<'HTML';
    <td class="fieldLabel" height="18">Activation Date:</td>
    <td class="dataEntry" height="18">

use HTML::TableExtract;
my $p = HTML::TableExtract->new;
$p->parse( $html );
my $table_tree = $p->first_table_found;
my $date = $table_tree->cell( 0, 1 );
$date =~ s/\A\s+|\s+\z//g;
say "Date is $date";
brian d foy
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You might be misunderstanding the regex flags.

  • /m implies that you might be trying to match against multiple lines by ensuring that ^ can mean beginning of a line and $ can mean end of a line.
  • /s implies that you want to treat a multiple line expression as a single line expression by allowing . to mean any character, including newline. Normally, . means any character except newline.

If you add the /s flag, your regex should work, although you really shouldn't parse HTML with regex anyway.

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