I try to upgrade from richfaces 3.3 to 4.2 and primefaces from 1.1 to 2.2.1

I have these jars:

  • jsf-api-2.0.3.jar (was 1.2 before)
  • jsf-facelets-1.1.9.jar
  • jsf-impl-2.0.3.jar (was 1.2 before)
  • richfaces-components-api-4.2.0.Final
  • richfaces-components-ui-4.2.0.Final.jar
  • richfaces-core-api-4.2.0.Final.jar
  • richfaces-core-impl-4.2.0.Final.jar
  • myfaces-orchestra-core-1.4.jar
  • myfaces-orchestra-core20-1.4.jar
  • primefaces-2.2.1.jar
  • guava-11.0.2.jar
  • slf4j-api-1.6.1.jar
  • quartz-1.6.0.jar
  • servlet-api.jar (85.287 Bytes) (28.01.2008)
  • el-impl-1.0.jar
  • el-messages.jar
  • facelets-taglib-jsf12-spring-3-0.4.jar

and some Spring 3.1.0 jars

but I get:

Error Loading Library: jar:file:/C:/Users/XXX/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/wtpwebapps/XXX/WEB-INF/lib/richfaces-components-ui-4.2.0.Final.jar!/META-INF/rich.taglib.xml
java.io.IOException: Error parsing [jar:file:/C:/Users/XXX/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/wtpwebapps/XXX/WEB-INF/lib/richfaces-components-ui-4.2.0.Final.jar!/META-INF/rich.taglib.xml]: 

when i remove jsf-facelets-1.1.9.jar, i get

Source Document: jndi:/localhost/XXX/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml
Cause: Unable to find class 'com.sun.facelets.FaceletViewHandler'


after removing this tag I get

Schwerwiegend: Servlet.service() for servlet Faces Servlet threw exception
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Orchestra was unable to create an instance of bean with name 'AccessScopeManager'. Ensure that JSF variable resolution uses your dependency injection (DI) framework (eg Spring's DelegatingVariableResolver is in your faces-config.xml file) and the standard Orchestra configuration beans are defined (eg by using <import resource="classpath*:/META-INF/spring-orchestra-init.xml" />).

... I think I need some help


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2 Answers2


As you have upgraded to JSF 2 and JSF 2 comes with facelets built in so it is unlikely that you want to use the old facelets jar jsf-facelets-1.1.9.jar on your classpath.

BalusC (stackoverflow's JSF expert) has this written this excellent guide Migrating from JSF 1.2 to JSF 2.0 on how to upgrade, it also covers facelets upgrading.

I also you are using facelets-taglib-jsf12-spring-3-0.4.jar

According to the spring-security-facelets-taglib you will need to use facelets-taglib-jsf20-spring-3

I hope this helps

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