How can I limit my database column's integral input to a specific number of digits ?

CREATE TABLE tab (id INT <1 digit> not null, value INT <10 digits> not null);

Thank you

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2 Answers2


Add a check constraint (SQL Server) or trigger (MySQL, doesn't support CHECK constraints)

SQL Server example:

    id tinynot null CHECK (id BETWEEN 0 AND 9), 
    value INT not null CHECK (id BETWEEN 1000000000 AND 9999999999)

Edit, you'd need a trigger in MySQL

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The short version is using TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL will be a more suitable data type, but it can't limit the values stored.

The longer version is that you may wish to read up on MySQL integer data types. You'll see that TINYINT is sufficient for your purpose as that is a 1-byte column that stores values from -128 to +127, or 0 to +255.

Secondly if you define it as TINYINT(1) then you are defining it as being a TINYINT with a display width of 1 digit. This will not prevent values larger than 10 being stored though. For more reading on this behaviour check numeric type attributes.

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  • Thank you, you know what I am doing ? I am going to have to do a real project tomorrow possibly on my own, don't anyone just ever "drop" me...Thanks. :-D – user1155788 Feb 20 '12 at 13:17
  • By the way, I think I will user VARCHAR(1). It's better as I don't need to read anymore anything. -:D – user1155788 Feb 20 '12 at 13:19
  • VARCHAR(1) uses 2 bytes of data, when CHAR(1) uses 1 byte due to VARCHAR needing 1 byte (at short lengths) to know how long the string is (VARCHAR = 1 byte per character in each individual string + 1 byte for length @ strings up to and including 255 characters long, while a char is 1 byte per character regardless of individual strings) therefore if you KNOW every cell will have a 1-byte string i.e. single character, then use CHAR(1) – Simon at My School Portal Feb 20 '12 at 13:20