I understand the reason i should use retain, but why should I ever use assign? (besides to avoid retain cycles)

[EDIT] So if i understand Chuck's answer on https://stackoverflow.com/questions... correctly, when ever I use assign, the variable would lose scope once it gets out of scope of the method just like it does in regular C-type language behavior?

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4 Answers4


You should assign things that aren't objects. Any C type (such as int, float, char, double, struct, and enum) should be assigned.

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Few examples I can think of:

  1. It is not an object. Such as BOOL, int
  2. Most of the times delegate properties are assigned (to prevent cycles)
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  1. Anything that is not an object
  2. Delegates
  3. IBOutlets that are not top level (i.e. subviews since those are already retained by the view)
Oscar Gomez
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Assuming that Chuck's answer from the linked question is correct, there's not really a "scope" in Objective-C. Sounds like you should just use assign for any primitives, like ints or BOOLs. Anything that you need to have ownership of, use retain (or other commands, as Chuck describes).

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  • Ok. I understand that i need assign for primitives. Now what if i use assign for an object. Are you saying that that object is not guaranteed to be valid though-out its use if it wasn't previously retained? – stackoverflow Feb 04 '12 at 03:17
  • I can't say for sure because this is inferring from what that other user said, but near as I can tell, you're leaving it to the program to decide when the variable in question is done being used. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I think `assign` just means you're going to change the value of the variable. – RaysonK Feb 04 '12 at 05:37