I create SMPP Server Simulatorn with JSMPP. It is OK when accepting the message, but when I want to send delivery report or message I get this exception.

org.jsmpp.GenericNackResponseException: Receive generic_nack with command_status 00000003
        at org.jsmpp.session.state.AbstractGenericSMPPSessionBound.processGenericNack(AbstractGenericSMPPSessionBound.java:97)
        at org.jsmpp.session.PDUProcessServerTask.run(PDUProcessServerTask.java:59)
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

When I send message I set registered Delivery 0, but when I set it 0xf I dont get this exception, but the receiver didn't accept any message

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2 Answers2


GENERIC_NACK response may be sent by many reasons.

However this part of output may help:

Receive generic_nack with command_status 00000003

In part 5.1.3 of SMPP v3.4 specification this mentioned as ESME_RINVCMDID (Invalid Command ID). So probably you have sent SMPP PDU with incorrect command_id (or unsupported by system you connect to).

Probably it's reasonable to provide part of your code throwing exceptions and testing process description.

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  • Reason is that, I send delivery report, but receiver didn't connect to our server as Transceiver. For this reason I got this exception. Thanks for attention )) – totali Feb 03 '12 at 18:48

You can take tcpdump and investigate this issue in the WireShark.

Or post you dump here. We can investigate it.

On linux you can use this command in the console to take dump:

tcpdump -i eth0 -nnvvS -s 65535 -w smpp.cap host your_host_name

Very useful info about analize smpp issues It saved me many hours of debugging my code

article about using tcpdump to analize smpp issues

Andrew Barber
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Denis Rodin
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