I am working on getting the facebook API working for iOS, and the FB registration page requires the Bundle ID of the project. How can I get this information? I read something about getting it at run time, but is there a way to get Xcode to tell me this information, or is it held in a plist somewhere. I am not using the default bundle id, I remember setting it while I created the project.

Leo Natan
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    The bundle ID should appear when you click on your project in Xcode and go to the 'info' tab. It should look something like "com.mycompany.appname" – CodaFi Jan 15 '12 at 20:45

7 Answers7


If you are trying to get it programmatically , you can use below line of code :

objective C

NSString *bundleIdentifier = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier];

Swift 3.0 :

let bundleIdentifier =  Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier

It will work for both iOS and Mac apps Good luck..

Andrea Mugnaini
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For those using Xcode >=7: select your target and click the General tab. Bundle Identifier is found under Identity.

plátano plomo
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  • what is the general tab ? – Romain Jouin Nov 10 '16 at 17:47
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    @romainjouin "...choose View > Navigators > Show Project Navigator. Choose the target from the Project/Targets pop-up menu or in the Targets section of the second sidebar if it appears. Click General..." from [this document](https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/AppDistributionGuide/ConfiguringYourApp/ConfiguringYourApp.html) – plátano plomo Nov 11 '16 at 23:19

In Xcode 4, select your project, then your target (you should have only one) and then the 'Info' tab. You should be able to see the bundle identifier there.

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    Thanks, but the issue is I am building a library, and when I click on the target, I only have "Build Settings" "Build Phases" and "Build Rules". Is there another way to get this? – jln646v Jan 16 '12 at 08:52
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    when it says PRODUCT_NAME do you have to replace that ? – shim Jun 03 '13 at 21:42


  • Xcode 11.2.1 (11B500), Swift 5.1


Solution 1

let bundleId = Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier

Solution 2

let bundleId = Bundle.main.infoDictionary?["CFBundleIdentifier"] as? String

From Xcode

Solution 1

enter image description here

Solution 2

enter image description here

Vasily Bodnarchuk
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You can find out and change from supporting file=> info.plist => Bundle identifier

It is generally DNS form ex. com.companyname.appname

enter image description here

Avijit Nagare
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If you're build a library, this may be problematic - it's applications that have a bundle ID. However, your can probably query this programatically using [NSBundle mainBundle] and then [NSBundle bundleIdentifier]

James Turner
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A bundle ID or bundle identifier identifies an application in Apple's ecosystem. Apple advice to use reverse domain name(reverse DNS notation) to create it.

For example:


Bundle identifier is a string in Info.plist[About] which is required for any Bundle

To set it using Xcode

Bundle identifier
//by default it points on `$(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER)` which is you can setup in Build Settings

//Build Settings the mirror of Target Settings
Build Settings -> Product Bundle Identifier(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER)

//Target Settings the mirror of Build Settings
General -> Bundle Identifier

When you setup a new target you find

Bundle Identifier = Organization Identifier + ProductName              

Organization Identifier is not take into account by Build Settings


To get it programmatically

[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier];



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