I'm writing a wrapper class for use with a workflow manager. I would like to log output from an application (child process executed via subprocess.Popen) in a certain way:

  • stdout of the child should go to a log file and to stdout of the parent,
  • stderr of the child should go to a different logfile, but also to stdout of the parent.

I.e. all output from the child should end up merged on stdout (like with subprocess.Popen(..., stderr=subprocess.STDOUT), so I can reserve stderr for log messages from the wrapper itself. On the other hand, the child's streams should go to different files to allow separate validation.

I've tried using a "Tee" helper class to tie two streams (stdout and the log file) together, so that Tee.write writes to both streams. However, this cannot be passed to Popen because "subprocess" uses OS-level functions for writing (see here: http://bugs.python.org/issue1631).

The problem with my current solution (code snippet below, adapted mostly from here) is that output on stdout may not appear in the right order.

How can I overcome this? Or should I use an altogether different approach? (If I stick with the code below, how do I choose a value for the number of bytes in os.read?)

import subprocess, select, sys, os

call = ... # set this
process = subprocess.Popen(call, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
logs = {process.stdout: open("out.log", "w"), process.stderr: open("err.log", "w")}
done = {process.stdout: False, process.stderr: False}
while (process.poll() is None) or (not all(done.values())):
    ready = select.select([process.stdout, process.stderr], [], [])[0]
    for stream in ready:
        data = os.read(stream.fileno(), 1)
        if data:
            done[stream] = True

By the way, this solution using "fcntl" has not worked for me. And I couldn't quite figure out how to adapt this solution to my case yet, so I haven't tried it.

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1 Answers1


If you set shell=True, you can pass a command string to subprocess that includes pipes, redirections, and the tee command.

Raymond Hettinger
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  • Thanks. After looking into it, something like this might be a solution: http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/6431 However, I would still be interested in a Python solution. – Hendrik Jan 15 '12 at 18:44