I have a DetailsView that I'm posting back - and inside of that is a UserControl. I'm having some difficulty located it in the postback data.

As an example:

<asp:DetailsView ID="dvDetailsView" runat="Server" AutoGenerateRows="false">
      Some text here
      <uc:UserControl ID="ucUserControl" runat="server" />
      <uc:UserControl ID="ucUserControl" runat="server" />

When I postback, I would assume I would do something like this:

MyUserControlType ucUserControl = dvDetailsView.FindControl("ucUserControl") as MyUserControlType;

But this finds nothing. In fact, I can't even find this baby by walking around in QuickWatch...

What do I need to do to find this thing??

EDIT: It turns out my usercontrol id was being changed - but why? I do have the same ID on both the insert and edit templates, but commenting that out made no difference.

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2 Answers2


After DataBinding the control, you'd use:


And make sure you are doing this only in Edit mode as the control only exists in EditItemTemplate.

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  • Still can't find this control, although I have another that I can find (it's just an `` control. – Khanzor May 19 '09 at 08:31
  • Are you sure your details view is in edit mode, and you are doing it after DataBinding? I just tested and this worked. Check `CurrentMode` property to see if you are really in edit mode. – mmx May 19 '09 at 08:42
  • No row should exist before data binding. Let alone child controls. – mmx May 19 '09 at 23:59

As it turns out, the user control name was changed - my usercontrol, labelled as "ucUserControl" had it's name changed to a generic name - 'ctl01'.

So, doing advSituation.Rows[0].Cells[0].FindControl("ctl01") found the control.

To find this ID, I just had a look at the HTML element being rendered, and checked the parent from the id, e.g. 'ctl00_MainContent_dvDetailsView_ctl01_lblLabel', where lblLabel appeared on ucUserControl.

The rows column is a 0 based index of the number of fields, and the cells index will be 1 if you have a headertemplate specified.

EDIT: OMG! Someone (it really wasn't me, I swear) had hidden the ID property on the control class!

public partial class UserControl : BaseControl
  public int Id;

This meant that when ASP.Net was generating the id, it couldn't, and just assigned a generic Id ('ctl01' in this case) to the control, rather than the actual name.


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