I have two things i want to do to this input text field.

<input type="text" value="email@abc.com" name="Email" id="Email"
 onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value = 'email@abc.com';}"
 onfocus="if (this.value == 'email@abc.com') {this.value = '';}" />

The initial value is set to "email@abc.com" but i want to change the text color to a grey only if they have not typed in the text field.

I also have the problem of different browsers having dropdown menues of words the user has typed in other input fields on other websites. how can i clear the list the browser generates?

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3 Answers3


Regarding auto-population, have a look at How do you disable browser Autocomplete on web form field / input tag?

With regards to a "watermark", I would suggest (if you're not opposed to jQuery) placeholder plugin (However I'm sure there are a lot of options if you google "placeholder", "watermark" and "html" (or any combination thereof))

As an aside, I would keep the formatting in a set of <script> tags and leave the markup on its own. Markup should be markup; javascript should supplement that separately and not in-line with the tags)

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Brad Christie
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The color can be changed in the event handlers you already have and calling this.style.color = "grey"; if you want a cross-browser solution, but HTML5 includes the placeholder attribute, but is not well supported at this time.

To stop the code from getting hard to read in the event handlers, I suggest putting event handlers in <script>.

    document.getElementById('Email').onblur = function() {
        if (this.value == '') {
            this.value = 'email@abc.com';
            this.style.color = "grey";
        else {
            this.style.color = "black";
    // etc.

To stop autofill, use <input autocomplete="off" /> (StackOverflow Answer)

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Ryan Leonard
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<input type="text" onblur="if(this.value==''){this.value='Enter your email address'};" onfocus="if(this.value=='Enter your email address'){this.value=''};" value="Enter your email address" size="10" alt="username" class="bt login_input" id="mod_login_username" name="username">

refer this website .


use firebug

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  • that did nothing i asked, it does not change the color and it does not prevent the browser from creating a dropdown list of previus input values. – user1082764 Jan 03 '12 at 20:58