// have compilation errors
class TestClass
  TestClass(std::string& str) {}


int main() {
  TestClass tc(std::string("h"));
  return 0;

p166.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
p166.cpp:29:32: error: no matching function for call to ‘TestClass::TestClass(std::string)’
p166.cpp:25:3: note: candidates are: TestClass::TestClass(std::string&)
p166.cpp:23:1: note:                 TestClass::TestClass(const TestClass&)

// have NO compilation errors
class TestClass2
  TestClass2(const std::string& str) {}


int main() {
  TestClass2 tc(std::string("h"));
  return 0;

Question> Why the first part (TestClass) has compilation errors? Is it because that a NON-const reference cannot refer to a temporary object while a const-reference can refer to a temporary object?

Thank you

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1 Answers1


Is it because that a NON-const reference cannot refer to a temporary object while a const-reference can refer to a temporary object?

Yes, as simple as that. Temporary objects may bind to const references but not to non-const ones.

Note that in C++11, we get rvalue references (T&&), which will only bind to rvalues (temporaries amongst other things). See this question for more info on lvalues, rvalues, and all those other things.

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