How can I register data (like integer or poco objects) shared by all activity like the id of the user ? Have I to use a simple singleton or is there a special Android way ?

Note : I don't need to make that data persistant (no need of SharedPreferences or sqlite)

Thank you

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2 Answers2


You can create your own class that implements Application and specify this in your manifest file. In that case, every time you call getApplicationContext you will get a reference of your application that can hold any kind of information.

Sample code:

class MyApplication extends Application {
  public void setMethod() {

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Tomislav Markovski
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The android way is to create a custom Application for your project. Then in onCreate of that application you initialize whatever you need, and for example from an Activity do something like:

((MyApplication) getApplication()).getMyData()

If using roboguice you can use a @Singleton injection which basically does the boilerplate of a singleton for you - that's much nicer.

Paweł Obrok
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