The Google Places API requests have a sensor parameter? How does this parameter affect the results?

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3 Answers3


Edit: The sensor parameter is no longer required, and will now be ignored if it's used.

The parameter doesn't impact the results. It's a parameter that Google is required to collect for Google's data providers who charge differently based on whether the request uses a sensor or not.

see Google docs

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Mano Marks
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    Really? Could you please provide some link, where this is written. I have not found this anywhere. (Also wondering why the price is different and what is cheaper:) – TN. Dec 25 '11 at 21:16
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    It's not in the documentation. I work on the Google Maps API team. – Mano Marks Jan 03 '12 at 16:15
  • Ok. Btw, what is cheaper? Using a sensor or not? – TN. Jan 03 '12 at 21:32
  • Bizarre. And intriguing. And enlightening. Thanks @ManoMarks. – steve Aug 17 '12 at 07:20
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    @ManoMarks I was wondering if I should set the sensor=true always if the *device* has a GPS sensor it uses to get the user position or if I should only use it if that location is the actual found GPS location? I'm building an app where we show a map with users location but the user might drag the map and we do a georequest based on the new location. In this case should I start with setting sensor=true and then switch to use sensor=false? – Peter Theill Sep 19 '12 at 20:58
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    @PeterTheill If you're using a sensor at all to detect someone's location, then use sensor=true, even if they drag away from the map. If you instantiate a map that does not use the sensor to detect the location, then set it to false – Mano Marks Sep 20 '12 at 22:17
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    https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/error-messages#sensor-not-required – Devz Mar 10 '16 at 13:38

The Google Maps docs have been updated and as of June 2014 and the &sensor parameter is no longer required for JavaScript or Web Service API calls. The parameter will now be ignored if passed along with any request.

docs - https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/tutorial

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Just to be more clear. If your script tag looks like this:

<script src='//maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false'></script>

Then you should change it to the following to remove this warning:

<script src='//maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js'></script>

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