I am sending mail to the users using actionmailer through postmark. This is my code in controller:

@users = User.where(some condition)
@product = Product.find_by_name(some name).first
for user in @users
  UserMailer.new_product_arrival(user, @product, home_url).deliver

and this my user_mailer.rb

def new_product_arrival(user,product,home_url)
  @from         = Settings.mailer_from_address
  @recipients   = user.login
  @sent_on      = Time.now
  @user = user
  @product = product
  @content_type = "text/html"
  @home_url = home_url

The problem is that if there are more than 10 users it takes a very long time because of the for loop. I need to know if we can handle this by using multi-threading or background job. I don't want to use background job, but can anyone tell me how to implement the above using multi-threading.

I am using ruby 1.8.7 and rails 3.0.7

Chris E
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    I'm not at all a ruby expert (yet) but postmark does support sending batch emails, so if you're emailing a large group of users, it might be easier for you to use that rather than an api call for each one. – Oren Mazor Nov 22 '11 at 22:20

4 Answers4


There basically two ways to wrap your loop in order to get "multi-threading":

  1. Spwan a thread for each delivery and join them back to the main thread

    threads = []
    for user in @users
       threads << Thread.new do
         UserMailer.new_product_arrival(user, @product, home_url).deliver
  2. fork over the entire rails app ( pretty messy but the rails app serving the request will respond immediately ) and have the process detached:

    process = fork do
      for user in @users
        UserMailer.new_product_arrival(user, @product, home_url).deliver
      #sends the kill signal to current Process, which is the Rails App sending your emails 

Hope that helps

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  • Will try this in my application. – anil.n Nov 22 '11 at 19:35
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    When using threads you might want to add at the end of the Thread block: `ActiveRecord::Base.connection.close` (if the threads have DB calls, which they should have in your example). – laffuste Apr 13 '14 at 21:22

our developer Artem recently made a major update to the Postmark gem

which allows you to send emails easily in batches, which should allow you to send emails faster. Check it out.

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Try delayed_job gem. This is a database-based background job gem. We used it in an e-commerce website, for example, sending order confirmation emails to users.

These tasks can happen asynchronously in the background, because your Rails app doesn't need them executed immediately.

Zack Xu
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um im a rails student from nairobi dev school kenya ..and i think you can give this a try ,..soo what you are having there is the delayed response due to the number of users ..you can try long polling an example

poll = function (){
       data: { last_time: get last_time () }
     }}.done(function(data) {
     // handle data

try that in your ow way ..this is useful for a real time application..o you can use even action controller:: live ..i think youre farmiliar with threading with rails .also .the above exmples will hep you ,,hopefuly \

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