I am starting to get interested learning in OpenGL and I am trying to figure out what the best direction to go as far as which language to use in the learning process. I am already very familiar with C# and from what I have read, I can utilize the Tao API to interface with OpenGL from C# code. However, it also seems to me from what I'm reading that those who are really professional OpenGL developers are C++ programmers.

I'm curious what advantages C++ might have over C# when working with 3D graphics in OpenGL. Any input would be great as I'm a complete newby at all this.

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    Vote for close. Google at "C# vs C++" and you'll find many many differences. Basically the complexity vs performance is number one. C++ can perform better yet if you have little experience in C++, the code you produce will probably perform worse than the C# equivalent. – Polity Nov 22 '11 at 05:02
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    possible duplicate of [Using OpenGl with C#?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/536065/using-opengl-with-c) – Ian Mercer Nov 22 '11 at 05:08
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    While I'd normally vote to close "language X vs Y", I think this has merit for substantiated answers because it is more focused so ... leaving for others. –  Nov 22 '11 at 05:56

2 Answers2


Using OpenGL via C# has some difficulties.

  1. Getting an up-to-date SDK. Tao hasn't been updated since 2008. OpenTK hasn't had a stable release since June of 2010. OpenGL has had two version releases since June 2010. That's a lot of functionality you simply cannot access from C#. I don't know how stable OpenTK's nightlies are, but I generally don't trust nightlies. With C/C++, you can get whatever function pointers you want to load. With C#, you can only use what your toolkit provides.

  2. Dealing with buffer objects can be quite painful in C#. Yes, there are ways to upload arrays of uniform values to buffer objects. But building interleaved vertex data, where different components have different types, is much more difficult in C#. In C and C++, you have direct access to memory. So it's easy to have a 3-vector of floats followed by a 4-vector of bytes, all stored in 16 bytes per vertex. It's rather more difficult in C#.

  3. Graphics code is generally one of the more performance-critical areas of code. You will generally want the control that C++ affords if you're making a high-performance rendering application like a game. So many of C#'s nice features work against it here.

The only real advantage that using C# provides is that... it's C#. To the degree that you feel that advantages you, then it is an advantage.

Nicol Bolas
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  • Maybe using **C++/CLI** would be "the best of two worlds"? – Uwe Keim Nov 22 '11 at 06:26
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    @UweKeim: How? Sure, you get garbage collection (for the CLI part), and you can talk to the CLR standard libraries. But you get none of the nice language features of C#. And since the CLR standard libraries aren't terribly useful for a renderer, it's not that much of an advantage. The most you might use it for is interop with your renderer, but that would be written in straight C++. In which case, your renderer doesn't need to know or care that it's being called from the CLR. – Nicol Bolas Nov 22 '11 at 06:34
  • hey Nicol i know this may be an old post and things get changed but its in the first search result in google so some points need to be cleared , one of them is : **can i create a general functions involve those complicated vectors in C++ and extract it in a dll file , and import that dll into C# project and call that dll -> functions and use them in c# to develop a game ? perhaps like Unity3D do maybe ?** – SUB-HDR Jan 23 '19 at 10:58

The advantage most immediately relevant to you is the preponderance of tutorials using example code written in C, which C++ compilers will happily accept.

The most broadly applicable advantage is portability: C# is Microsoft's baby & support for that language on non-Microsoft platforms is sketchy at best. Wikipedia currently claims that the latest ISO standard for C# is 2.0, whereas Microsoft has released 4.0 and is already developing 5.0!

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  • Just to update: According to MS BUILD 2014 the ISO for C# 5 is only a few months away and MS Roslyn opens the compiler. C# is really making progress in terms of cross platform. – Kr0e May 13 '14 at 17:40