Currently I'm doing this in one command prompt

require 'win32/process'
p = Process.spawn("C:/ruby193/bin/bundle exec rails s")
puts p

and then in another

require 'win32/process'

The problem is that the process I spawn (the Rails server in this case) spawns a chain of sub-processes. The kill command doesn't kill them, it just leaves them orphaned with no parent.

Any ideas how can I kill the whole spawned process and all its children?

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2 Answers2


I eventually solved this in the following manner

First I installed the sys-proctable gem

gem install 'sys-proctable'

then used the originally posted code to spawn the process, and the following to kill it (error handling omitted for brevity)

require 'win32/process'
require 'sys/proctable'
include Win32
include Sys

  to_kill = .. // PID of spawned process
  ProcTable.ps do |proc|
    to_kill << proc.pid if to_kill.include?(proc.ppid)

  Process.kill(9, *to_kill)
  to_kill.each do |pid|
    Process.waitpid(pid) rescue nil

You could change the kill 9 to something a little less offensive of course, but this is the gist of the solution.

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  • I wonder if the loop to get procs is reliable. On linux processes might be out of order so a few iterations might be needed to catch all. – akostadinov Nov 10 '15 at 22:10

One-script solution without any gems. Run the script, CTRL-C to stop everything:

processes = []
processes << Process.spawn("<your process>")

loop do
  trap("INT") do
    processes.each do |p|
      Process.kill("KILL", p) rescue nil
      Process.wait(p) rescue nil
    exit 0
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  • I don't see how this would work. `spawn` returns a single pid (not all child pids). The fact that you added that pid to an array and looped is superfluous. – AlexChaffee Nov 13 '15 at 12:45