I am trying to achieve the functionality similar to unlist, with the exception that types are not coerced to a vector, but the list with preserved types is returned instead. For instance:

flatten(list(NA, list("TRUE", list(FALSE), 0L))

should return

list(NA, "TRUE", FALSE, 0L)

instead of

c(NA, "TRUE", "FALSE", "0")

which would be returned by unlist(list(list(NA, list("TRUE", list(FALSE), 0L)).

As it is seen from the example above, the flattening should be recursive. Is there a function in standard R library which achieves this, or at least some other function which can be used to easily and efficiently implement this?

UPDATE: I don't know if it is clear from the above, but non-lists should not be flattened, i.e. flatten(list(1:3, list(4, 5))) should return list(c(1, 2, 3), 4, 5).

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7 Answers7


Interesting non-trivial problem!

MAJOR UPDATE With all that's happened, I've rewrote the answer and removed some dead ends. I also timed the various solutions on different cases.

Here's the first, rather simple but slow, solution:

flatten1 <- function(x) {
  y <- list()
  rapply(x, function(x) y <<- c(y,x))

rapply lets you traverse a list and apply a function on each leaf element. Unfortunately, it works exactly as unlist with the returned values. So I ignore the result from rapply and instead I append values to the variable y by doing <<-.

Growing y in this manner is not very efficient (it's quadratic in time). So if there are many thousands of elements this will be very slow.

A more efficient approach is the following, with simplifications from @JoshuaUlrich:

flatten2 <- function(x) {
  len <- sum(rapply(x, function(x) 1L))
  y <- vector('list', len)
  i <- 0L
  rapply(x, function(x) { i <<- i+1L; y[[i]] <<- x })

Here I first find out the result length and pre-allocate the vector. Then I fill in the values. As you can will see, this solution is much faster.

Here's a version of @JoshO'Brien great solution based on Reduce, but extended so it handles arbitrary depth:

flatten3 <- function(x) {
  repeat {
    if(!any(vapply(x, is.list, logical(1)))) return(x)
    x <- Reduce(c, x)

Now let the battle begin!

# Check correctness on original problem 
x <- list(NA, list("TRUE", list(FALSE), 0L))
dput( flatten1(x) )
#list(NA, "TRUE", FALSE, 0L)
dput( flatten2(x) )
#list(NA, "TRUE", FALSE, 0L)
dput( flatten3(x) )
#list(NA_character_, "TRUE", FALSE, 0L)

# Time on a huge flat list
x <- as.list(1:1e5)
#system.time( flatten1(x) )  # Long time
system.time( flatten2(x) )  # 0.39 secs
system.time( flatten3(x) )  # 0.04 secs

# Time on a huge deep list
x <-'leaf'; for(i in 1:11) { x <- list(left=x, right=x, value=i) }
#system.time( flatten1(x) ) # Long time
system.time( flatten2(x) )  # 0.05 secs
system.time( flatten3(x) )  # 1.28 secs

...So what we observe is that the Reduce solution is faster when the depth is low, and the rapply solution is faster when the depth is large!

As correctness goes, here are some tests:

> dput(flatten1( list(1:3, list(1:3, 'foo')) ))
list(1L, 2L, 3L, 1L, 2L, 3L, "foo")
> dput(flatten2( list(1:3, list(1:3, 'foo')) ))
list(1:3, 1:3, "foo")
> dput(flatten3( list(1:3, list(1:3, 'foo')) ))
list(1L, 2L, 3L, 1:3, "foo")

Unclear what result is desired, but I lean towards the result from flatten2...

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  • I came up with something similar to your update, but perhaps less complicated: `y – Joshua Ulrich Nov 15 '11 at 17:22
  • Silly me, yes, that's much easier - I didn't think `y[[i]] < – Tommy Nov 15 '11 at 17:30
  • @Tommy -- I just stole your most recent version of flatten, adding a line that takes care of the corner case you identified. Hope you don't mind, and feel free to edit your own version accordingly. Thanks! – Josh O'Brien Nov 15 '11 at 18:24
  • +1 -- Don't know how I didn't already upvote this post. This should put you up top so that your excellent comparisons get max visibility. Plus, I definitely prefer the output of `flatten2`. – Josh O'Brien Nov 15 '11 at 22:43
  • Thanks. You can eliminate flatten1. Not only it is the slowest one, but it also doesn't preserve non-lists (i.e. 1:5 flattens while it should not). – eold Nov 16 '11 at 19:34
  • @Tommy: can you come up with a solution that preserves names in a named list? – user443854 Jan 25 '13 at 01:46
  • One problem with most of these methods is that `NULL` elements silently get dropped. – Jeroen Nov 05 '13 at 03:10
  • @Tommy, sorry for the previous missing of attribution in my package function `rlist::list.flatten` for using your implementation of flatten2. You deserve full credit of it at https://github.com/renkun-ken/rlist/blob/master/R/list.flatten.R and thanks for your idea! – Kun Ren Jul 31 '15 at 04:34

For lists that are only a few nestings deep, you could use Reduce() and c() to do something like the following. Each application of c() removes one level of nesting. (For fully general solution, see EDITs below.)

L <- (list(NA, list("TRUE", list(FALSE), 0L)))
Reduce(c, Reduce(c, L))
[1] NA

[1] "TRUE"


[1] 0

x <- as.list(1:4e3)
system.time(flatten(x))   # Using the improved version    
# user  system elapsed 
# 0.14    0.00    0.13 
system.time(Reduce(c, x))
# user  system elapsed 
# 0.04    0.00    0.03 

EDIT Just for fun, here's a version of @Tommy's version of @JoshO'Brien's solution that does work for already flat lists. FURTHER EDIT Now @Tommy's solved that problem as well, but in a cleaner way. I'll leave this version in place.

flatten <- function(x) {
    x <- list(x)
    repeat {
        x <- Reduce(c, x)
        if(!any(vapply(x, is.list, logical(1)))) return(x)

flatten(list(3, TRUE, 'foo'))
# [[1]]
# [1] 3
# [[2]]
# [1] TRUE
# [[3]]
# [1] "foo"
Josh O'Brien
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  • +1 for nice use of `Reduce`! ...But it doesn't seem to handle `flatten(list(3, TRUE, 'foo'))` – Tommy Nov 15 '11 at 17:51
  • I am more concerned about implementing it recursively, in order to wor for non constant depth lists. Is there a function which can be used to detect if a list is flattened? – eold Nov 15 '11 at 17:54
  • @leden -- You can test whether a list is flat with `!any(sapply(L, class)=="list")`, which will evaluate to `TRUE` for fully flattened lists. – Josh O'Brien Nov 15 '11 at 18:00
  • @leden - I added a variant that does that. – Tommy Nov 15 '11 at 18:05
  • @Tommy -- Why'd you have to go ahead and ruin a perfectly elegant solution ;). If the function might be passed already flat lists, you'd need to either: (a) check for that case in advance; or (b) pre-emptively wrap every list passed to it, like this: `Reduce(c, list(x))`, where in your example, `x – Josh O'Brien Nov 15 '11 at 18:09
  • @JoshO'Brien - well, I got you to post a better solution, didn't I? ;-). A suggestion: just move the `if` clause before `Reduce` and skip the `x – Tommy Nov 15 '11 at 18:25
  • 1
    @JoshO'Brien wouldn't `!any(vapply(L, is.list, logical(1)))` be better? – hadley Nov 16 '11 at 03:23
  • @hadley -- You're referring to the comment four comments up from yours, where I suggested `!any(sapply...` right? (In the body of the post, I did use the better idiom that you (and Tommy) suggested). – Josh O'Brien Nov 16 '11 at 03:30
  • @ttmaccer -- Great catch. I'd wager good money that the `Reduce()` formulation will **never** be faster than your `do.call()` construct, and it'll sometimes be MUCH slower. Thanks. – Josh O'Brien Aug 15 '12 at 17:12

How about this? It builds off Josh O'Brien's solution but does the recursion with a while loop instead using unlist with recursive=FALSE.

flatten4 <- function(x) {
  while(any(vapply(x, is.list, logical(1)))) { 
    # this next line gives behavior like Tommy's answer; 
    # removing it gives behavior like Josh's
    x <- lapply(x, function(x) if(is.list(x)) x else list(x))
    x <- unlist(x, recursive=FALSE) 

Keeping the commented line in gives results like this (which Tommy prefers, and so do I, for that matter).

> x <- list(1:3, list(1:3, 'foo'))
> dput(flatten4(x))
list(1:3, 1:3, "foo")

Output from my system, using Tommy's tests:

#list(NA, "TRUE", FALSE, 0L)

# Time on a long 
x <- as.list(1:1e5)
system.time( x2 <- flatten2(x) )  # 0.48 secs
system.time( x3 <- flatten3(x) )  # 0.07 secs
system.time( x4 <- flatten4(x) )  # 0.07 secs
identical(x2, x4) # TRUE
identical(x3, x4) # TRUE

# Time on a huge deep list
x <-'leaf'; for(i in 1:11) { x <- list(left=x, right=x, value=i) }
system.time( x2 <- flatten2(x) )  # 0.05 secs
system.time( x3 <- flatten3(x) )  # 1.45 secs
system.time( x4 <- flatten4(x) )  # 0.03 secs
identical(x2, unname(x4)) # TRUE
identical(unname(x3), unname(x4)) # TRUE

EDIT: As for getting the depth of a list, maybe something like this would work; it gets the index for each element recursively.

depth <- function(x) {
  foo <- function(x, i=NULL) {
    if(is.list(x)) { lapply(seq_along(x), function(xi) foo(x[[xi]], c(i,xi))) }
    else { i }

It's not super fast but it seems to work fine.

x <- as.list(1:1e5)
system.time(d <- depth(x)) # 0.327 s

x <-'leaf'; for(i in 1:11) { x <- list(left=x, right=x, value=i) }
system.time(d <- depth(x)) # 0.041s

I'd imagined it being used this way:

> x[[ d[[5]] ]]
[1] "leaf"
> x[[ d[[6]] ]]
[1] 1

But you could also get a count of how many nodes are at each depth too.

> table(sapply(d, length))

   1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11 
   1    2    4    8   16   32   64  128  256  512 3072 
Aaron left Stack Overflow
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  • +1 for continuing to extend this. Now if only we had some way to quickly assess the depth of lists... Any ideas? – Josh O'Brien Nov 15 '11 at 23:55
  • @JoshO'Brien: See edit for depth idea. It works but it's not great. Any suggestions? – Aaron left Stack Overflow Nov 16 '11 at 15:42
  • Hi Aaron. Nice solution, but I agree it's not ideal. It would be nice to find something that always ran faster than the worst case `flatten4` timings. My two thoughts are: "I wonder if the phylogenetics folks already have something like this in a package", and "Folks who work with parsers could do this in a snap". – Josh O'Brien Nov 16 '11 at 17:01
  • I played for a few minutes with the string resulting from `deparse(L)`, i.e. `"list(NA, list(\"TRUE\", list(FALSE), 0L))"`, but realized I'm in over my head/don't have the time. My basic idea was to run through it once, counting every occurrence of the substring `list(` as a `+1`, and every matching right paren `)` as a `-1`. `max(cumsum())` or some equivalent would get you the maximum depth. Seems like a sound approach with a perhaps monstrous regexp needed for the implementation! This might be a good SO question for one of us to ask at some point... – Josh O'Brien Nov 16 '11 at 17:06
  • Thanks. I think this is the best solution so far. – eold Nov 16 '11 at 19:37
  • +1. This solves another problem: the other functions unlist vectors as well, this one only lists. (Tommy's solution does **not** do this when vectors and lists are in depth=2) – Michael Schubert Apr 12 '14 at 13:58
  • if you change both instances of `is.list` in `flatten4` to `function(x) !is.data.frame(x) & is.list(x)`, then this will work for data frames as well which none of the answers currently do `flatten4(list(1:3, list(1:3, 'foo'), TRUE, 'hi', list(head(mtcars), list(tail(mtcars)))))` works like a dream – rawr Nov 10 '15 at 01:54

Edited to address a flaw pointed out in the comments. Sadly, it just makes it even less efficient. Ah well.

Another approach, although I'm not sure it will be more efficient than anything @Tommy has suggested:

l <- list(NA, list("TRUE", list(FALSE), 0L))

flatten <- function(x){
    obj <- rapply(x,identity,how = "unlist")
    cl <- rapply(x,class,how = "unlist")
    len <- rapply(x,length,how = "unlist")
    cl <- rep(cl,times = len)
    mapply(function(obj,cl){rs <- as(obj,cl); rs}, obj, cl, 

> flatten(l)
[1] NA

[1] "TRUE"


[1] 0
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purrr::flatten achieves that. Though it is not recursive (by design).

So applying it twice should work:

l <- list(NA, list("TRUE", list(FALSE), 0L))

Here is an attempt at a recursive version:

flatten_recursive <- function(x) {
  if (any(vapply(x, is.list, logical(1)))) Recall(purrr::flatten(x)) else x
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hack_list <- function(.list) {
  .list[['_hack']] <- function() NULL
  .list <- unlist(.list)
  .list$`_hack` <- NULL
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You can also use rrapply in the rrapply-package (extended version of base-rapply) by setting how = "flatten":


rrapply(list(NA, list("TRUE", list(FALSE), 0L)), how = "flatten")
#> [[1]]
#> [1] NA
#> [[2]]
#> [1] "TRUE"
#> [[3]]
#> [1] FALSE
#> [[4]]
#> [1] 0

Computation times

Below are some benchmark timings against the flatten2 and flatten3 functions in Tommy's response for two large nested lists:

flatten2 <- function(x) {
  len <- sum(rapply(x, function(x) 1L))
  y <- vector('list', len)
  i <- 0L
  rapply(x, function(x) { i <<- i+1L; y[[i]] <<- x })

flatten3 <- function(x) {
  repeat {
    if(!any(vapply(x, is.list, logical(1)))) return(x)
    x <- Reduce(c, x)

## large deeply nested list (1E6 elements, 6 layers)
deep_list <- rrapply(replicate(10, 1, simplify = F), classes = c("list", "numeric"), condition = function(x, .xpos) length(.xpos) < 6, f = function(x) replicate(10, 1, simplify = F), how = "recurse")

#>    user  system elapsed 
#>   1.715   0.012   1.727
## system.time(flatten3(deep_list)), not run takes more than 10 minutes
system.time(rrapply(deep_list, how = "flatten"))
#>    user  system elapsed 
#>   0.105   0.016   0.121

## large shallow nested list (1E6 elements, 2 layers)
shallow_list <- lapply(replicate(1000, 1, simplify = F), function(x) replicate(1000, 1, simplify = F))

#>    user  system elapsed 
#>   1.308   0.040   1.348
#>    user  system elapsed 
#>   5.246   0.012   5.259
system.time(rrapply(shallow_list, how = "flatten"))
#>    user  system elapsed 
#>    0.09    0.00    0.09
Joris C.
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