I am trying to execute INSERT sqlite statements into my database using a method as follows:

public void insertBluetoothPath(String path, String build) {

    String[] ColumnName = new String[1];
    ColumnName[0] = "path";

    SQLiteDatabase myDB = null;
    myDB = this.openOrCreateDatabase(DB_PATH, MODE_PRIVATE, null);

    myDB.execSQL("INSERT INTO phones VALUES(" + build + ", " + path + ");");


and I'm calling the method using insertBluetoothPath(finalPath, phoneBuild);

with variables String phoneBuild = Build.MODEL; and String finalPath = "/mnt/sdcard"

However I'm getting a syntax error exception

sqlite returned: error code = 1, msg = near "/": syntax error

Failure 1 (near "/": syntax error) on 0x2b3ca8 when preparing 'INSERT INTO phones VALUES(sdk, /mnt/sdcard);'.

How can I insert slashes into the database? Thanks in advance.

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  • Try to use prepared statements - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/433392/how-do-i-use-prepared-statements-in-sqlite-in-android – Eugene Nov 14 '11 at 09:32
  • You should use escape characters for that.Check this post. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4132996/escape-special-characters-in-sqlite – Serdar Dogruyol Nov 14 '11 at 09:41

2 Answers2


Ok, Carefully go over Eugene's Comment.

The problem is not the slashes...The Problem is your insert statement. An INSERT statement should look like this "INSERT INTO phones VALUES('sdk','/mnt/sdcard')" Notice the Lack of single quotes in your statment?

This is what you want

myDB.execSQL("INSERT INTO phones VALUES('" + build + "', '" + path + "');");

But if you ask me, don't use this method, use Prepared Statements, since the above method will be prone to SQL injection, if you are not careful.

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Just wrap the path in single quotes like this.

myDB.execSQL("INSERT INTO phones VALUES(" + build + ", " + "'" + path + "'" + ");");

I think that should help.

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