I need a string that is str_len characters long for testing.

What ways are there that are more elegant (and possibly faster) ways of building it than the following:

  long_str = ''
  (str_len + 1).times do
    long_str << 'a'

It would be helpful if the algorithm could also randomise the content of the string (i.e. use any character).

Peter Nixey
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    Check this [link](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/88311/how-best-to-generate-a-random-string-in-ruby) – Stobbej Nov 01 '11 at 13:55

2 Answers2


Use the * method on the String class.

long_str = 'a' * 6
# => 'aaaaaa'
Chris Ledet
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This produces a four letter long random string with the characters a to z.

puts (0...4).map{ charset.to_a[rand(charset.size)] }.join 

Remove or replace the srand(124931) with srand() before actually using this code.

Jonas Elfström
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