I have some problem using default WebBroswer with C#.

I'm making program in C# WindowsForm. I would have multiple "tabs" of "Broswer" and i need to change many things like UserAgent . I had problem to do this with default WebBrowser becouse the trick(found on stackoverflow) worked only for 1 page and dont for all session.

Olso i need JavaScript support.

My Question is : Is there another webBroswer that emulate multiple "tabs" of webBrowser , support javaScript (This is very important : i need disable Javascript for a website page that have Location Header ), and that it's possible change UserAgent and so emulate all existing Browsers ? If answer it's not What kind of "real" browser could i use with My c# WinForm Program?


Edit: I already used GeckoFX but without good result (with JavaScript)

  • duplicate? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/790542/replacing-net-webbrowser-control-with-a-better-browser-like-chrome – Josh Oct 27 '11 at 17:12
  • Already seen that discussion and i didnt find anything useful. I already used GeckoFX – Fabio Rocco Oct 27 '11 at 18:03
  • When I did my research for a similiar project, GeckoFX was the only feasible alternative. – Caimen Oct 27 '11 at 18:06

1 Answers1


You could try awesomium. You'll have to write some code yourself (including tabs) as it's just a framework. However, I haven't come across anything on for .net that comes close and it should meet your requirements.

There is a free license for "Indie Companies" (if you made less than $100k), non-commercial use or evaluation & dev purposes. Downside is, you wont get access to the source for free, I don't know if that's a deal-breaker for you or not. Pricing

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