I have been trying to get a Fancybox window to launch when a GoogleMap marker is clicked. I've checked out this question Calling Fancybox from Event Listener in Google Maps Instead of Default Infowindow but the solution doesn't seem to work for me.

The page I'm working on is this: http://halal-helvetica.ch/m/

(You'll have to find Switzerland on the map to find some markers)

When you click on a marker the "loading" thing comes up and goes on continuously without loading the content from the provided url (it should display "lorem ipsum dolor...").

Can anyone help? It looks like a jQuery/Ajax issue to me, but I'm not sure how to fix it.


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1 Answers1


The Google Chrome error console says "XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://www.halal-helvetica.ch/m/fancybox-content.php. Origin http://halal-helvetica.ch is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.". Sounds like a header problem. I suggest you redirect the user to the www. version of your site and the problem should theoretically be solved.

Also, upon Googling "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", this might help.

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  • Thank you very much Nick - it seems to be the "www" problem that you mention. If i access the site from the www-prefixed URL Fancybox pops up as expected. I tried to debug using Firebug, but didn't see this specific error. Cheers! – Kash. Oct 26 '11 at 19:25