
Well I have found similar kind of question on this website and checked the answers to clarify my doubt, but it didn't satisfy me what I am looking for. Many people say phpDesigner or even Notepad++ but I have found these as gr8 editors(even with with auto-completion) but not a complete IDE.

But I want to know if there is a complete visual studio like user friendly IDE where I can drag and drop html controls, ajaxtoolkit controls on html, integrate with mysql database.

is there anything like that available?

Thanks in advance.. (sorry if I am wrong in anywhere)

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  • possible duplicate of [What is the best IDE for PHP?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/116292/what-is-the-best-ide-for-php) – hakre Oct 22 '11 at 17:01
  • If you like Visual Studio, you should ask your Microsoft Certified Software Service Provider for an Visual Studio Add-On that enables you coding PHP with Visual Studio. – hakre Oct 22 '11 at 17:04

1 Answers1


Eclipse + PHP PDT is a great IDE that will give you code completion, hints about function arguments and much more (just like VisualStudio for C, C++, C#, etc) - this is my personal favorite. Netbeans for PHP is similar solution, favored by many others, some say it's better, some say it's not - I tried to switch to Netbeans but my habits with Eclipse make me most effective with it, so I'm sticking there. Both Eclipse and Netbeans are free and support plugins for many other languages, as well as version control utilities, remote systems access and file diff, debuggers support, html, css and js validation (often goes hand to hand with PHP development) amongst other things.

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  • thanks for answering to both of you, but can u plz tell me that Eclipse and PHP PDT would allow me to drag and drop html controls or even sophisticated ajax controls like CalenderExtender in dot net in a text box with a single click? – user985415 Oct 22 '11 at 17:12
  • You won't find a tool like that, at least not yet. If you want ajax functionality you will be better off learning to use jQuery and use their UI components. – Marshall Brekka Oct 22 '11 at 17:32
  • Like Marshall told you - it can not do that. If you are somewhat experienced with OOP, even with other language, I would recommend you to use a complete web framework like Yii - I have been through many frameworks and that one is very easy to learn, has built-in PHP components to handle AJAX, has widgets that you can not put together with drag and drop, but you could create with few lines of code and implies few good web programming practices that will save your a$$ in the long run. If you are not experienced with OOP - its still a good place to start. – ddinchev Oct 22 '11 at 17:49
  • thanks @Veseliq, yes i am experienced with oop and have done web developing in java and C# and standard oop programming in c++, but when it comes to php, its a beautiful lightweight opensource indeed; i always felt it lacks a better IDE, even after its enormous popularity.. I had never done Yii, sure I would delve into it but used jQuery many times. So thats it thank you very much all, I've found my answer finally. :-) – user985415 Oct 22 '11 at 18:23
  • Then mark the answer as "accepted". – ddinchev Oct 22 '11 at 20:15