Given the rise of Javascript in Windows 8, does Windows 8 / .Net 4.5 / VS 2012 provide a mechanism to embed the Chakra javascript engine in application to enable scripting? If so, is there documentation for this somewhere?

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  • Depending on your needs, you might be able to use another JavaScript implementation like Jint or IronJS. (Jurassic probably wouldn't work -- it P/Invokes to V8 and I don't think P/Invoke is allowed in Metro apps.) – Joe White Oct 17 '11 at 16:27
  • See also, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7167690/what-is-the-progid-or-clsid-for-ie9s-javascript-engine-code-named-chakra – Cheeso Jan 06 '12 at 01:41

3 Answers3


There is no mechanism to do this that has been released or talked about. For now, it is available only in IE and to Metro style apps. There isn't even a Windows Scripting Host style exposure of it.

What is it about Chakra that you want in your scripting?

Steve Rowe
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  • Hi Steve, in my case, I would need to invoke javascript from both a Windows Store App and from WPF. We are developing an App for Windows 8 and its little brother from pre-Windows 8 in WPF. I would need to use JavaScript as a scripting language. So I would have, on one hand, a string representing a script and an object model in .NET. I would need to pass that object model to the script in order for the script to run on it. Any way you see to that in both Win Store App & traditional .NET? It could be two different mechanism. – Vincent-Philippe Lauzon Apr 17 '13 at 21:20

Doesn't IE ActiveX use the same JavaScript engine as IE standalone?

You can simply embed Internet Explorer ActiveX frame and keep it hidden.

Oleg Mihailik
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Yes, exists.

See: https://github.com/Microsoft/ChakraCore/wiki/Embedding-ChakraCore

 using System;
 using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
 using ChakraHost.Hosting;

public class HelloWorld
    static void Main() {
    JavaScriptRuntime runtime;
    JavaScriptContext context;
    JavaScriptSourceContext currentSourceContext = JavaScriptSourceContext.FromIntPtr(IntPtr.Zero);
    JavaScriptValue result;

    // Your script, try replace the basic hello world with something else
    string script = "(()=>{return \'Hello world!\';})()";

    // Create a runtime. 
    Native.JsCreateRuntime(JavaScriptRuntimeAttributes.None, null, out runtime);

    // Create an execution context. 
    Native.JsCreateContext(runtime, out context);

    // Now set the execution context as being the current one on this thread.

    // Run the script.
    Native.JsRunScript(script, currentSourceContext++, "", out result);

    // Convert your script result to String in JavaScript; redundant if your script returns a String
    JavaScriptValue resultJSString;
    Native.JsConvertValueToString(result, out resultJSString);

    // Project script result in JS back to C#.
    IntPtr resultPtr;
    UIntPtr stringLength;
    Native.JsStringToPointer(resultJSString, out resultPtr, out stringLength);

    string resultString = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(resultPtr);

    // Dispose runtime


Alex G. Wolff
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    Please consider adding a code example on stackoverflow as the link might break or the repo might be removed. – lloyd Aug 07 '18 at 00:30