I need to integrate private chat module in Asp.NET site.So, internal user can chat with other users. I would be appreciate, if anyone can suggest that type of modules

Thanks in Advance.

1 Answers1


See here about rolling your own it shouldnt be too hard with the building blocks given ASP.NET Chat with WCF

You can check out http://wcfchat.codeplex.com/ for a WCF implementation of chat.

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Dave Walker
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  • Sure you can. You can just have straight up Ajax requests polling an HttpHandler for new messages and displaying them. – Dave Walker Oct 16 '11 at 22:35
  • Implementing with ASP.Net MVC would be quite easy. Have a Chat controller and call a method on there using JQuery Ajax to get your new messages / post new chat messages. Have a backend DB working. – Dave Walker Oct 16 '11 at 22:36