I am interested in creating a simple HLS Viewer for the Xbox 360 that works kind of like SilverLive. I have read about as much documentation oh HLS that I can find and am not sure where to continue. I feel like I could probably write the code to handle HLS myself, it doesn't sound overly complex (unless there is something I am missing). I do not however, have any idea where to start with playing the video/audio segments on the 360 once they get there.

What does everyone think? Would I need to implement some sort of codec pack and use that to render the frames as a texture? If so, are there any functional codecs supported by .NET for mpeg2 and aac that don't use anything the 360 has no support for?

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  • If you intend to release this on XBLIG, just note that there is no way to connect to the Internet, so streaming isn't doable. – Andrew Russell Sep 25 '11 at 02:03
  • Thanks for the information, I wasn't developing the app for myself and am not sure what it's intention was. I'm not doing it anymore however, but I'll keep this useful information in case I ever need it. – CuddleBunny Oct 04 '11 at 21:55

1 Answers1


Unfortunately XNA Framework games are not able to access the Internet (or perform any network communication at all other than through Xbox LIVE or System Link), so creating a streaming application isn't possible.

What you want to achieve is possible using the professional development tools, but your game/application wouldn't pass the certification requirements for release on the Xbox 360 (because of its use of the Internet/LAN).

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  • Okay, so my old client's request was impossible as I posited. On to my second question, how would I go about playing a video created with mpeg2 and aac? – CuddleBunny May 31 '12 at 16:27
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    @CuddleBunny Unfortunately you would have to convert your video to WMV9, then use [`VideoPlayer`](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.xna.framework.media.videoplayer(v=xnagamestudio.40).aspx). – Xenon Jun 01 '12 at 03:02