But pow(0, 2.0) gives 0

Seems that any float exponent gives 1 while integer exponents give 0.

I am using DirectX 9 and hlsl compiler "D3DCompiler_43.dll". Confirmed that on Nvidia and Ati cards.

I am confused! Is that some kind of known behaviour or bug?

To illustrate the effect try the following simple test shader:

// Test shader demonstrating strange pow behaviour
// when brightness becomes 0 resulting color will jump to white

float4x4 WorldViewProjXf : WorldViewProjection < string UIWidget="None";>;

float Brightness
    string UIName = "Brightness";   
    float UIMin =  0;   
    float UIMax =  1;       
> = 0;

struct VS_Input
    float4 position : POSITION0;

struct VS_Output
    float4 position : POSITION0;

VS_Output Vertex_Func( VS_Input in_data )
    VS_Output outData;
    outData.position = mul(in_data.position, WorldViewProjXf);
    return outData;

float4 Fragment_Func( VS_Output in_data ) : COLOR
    return pow(Brightness, 2.2);

technique Main 
    pass p0 
        VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 Vertex_Func();
        PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 Fragment_Func();
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1 Answers1


Looking at the HLSL docs, pow(x, y) appears to be implemented directly as exp(y * log(x)). Since x=0 in your question, again looking at the docs log(x) == -INF. It seems like the value of y shouldn't matter at that point as long as it's positive and greater than zero.

You might be accidentally comparing pow(0.0, 2.0) == 0.0 with pow(0.0, 0.0) == 1.0. That's my best guess for what's happening.

log(0)=-INF reference

pow = exp(y * log(x)) reference

Nathan Whitehead
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  • Could you please post a link to those docs you are speaking of. Sounds better than the informations I could find on msdn. – Ole Dittmann Sep 21 '11 at 23:35
  • Added references. The second reference is to the `pow` instruction, rather than the `pow` intrinsic function. – Nathan Whitehead Sep 26 '11 at 17:50
  • Now I see, you were talking about the shader assembler docs. Not HLSL but somewhat helpful as there is some additional info. Its right, "pow(abs(Color), Exponent)" and "exp(Exponent * log(Color))" all give the same result - including the zero-bug, unfortunately. Well, your answer is not exactly an answer but as far as there is no other and you were helpful you get the checkmark. – Ole Dittmann Sep 29 '11 at 11:38