I have an iframe and in order to access parent element I implemented following code:


How to get the same result using jquery?
UPDATE: Or how to access iFrame parent page using jquery?

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Amr Elgarhy
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  • See also http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12114243/retrieving-a-documents-parent-iframe-in-jquery/36445098#36445098 – Alexis Wilke Apr 06 '16 at 08:09

9 Answers9


To find in the parent of the iFrame use:

$('#parentPrice', window.parent.document).html();

The second parameter for the $() wrapper is the context in which to search. This defaults to document.

Pim Jager
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    Cool - you acknowledged the thanks before he thanked you. StackOverflow having problems with timezones maybe? – belugabob Mar 19 '10 at 08:49
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    You could also do: $(window.parent.document).find("#parentPrice").html(); – jhorback Sep 10 '10 at 17:46
  • @belugabob It's a wizzard's fault. – Erik Escobedo Sep 22 '10 at 17:42
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    For those who launched a windoid with window.open, don't forget about that old JS standard window.opener.document. $("#someDiv", window.opener.document) works. – jjohn May 21 '13 at 18:03
  • What about `$("#someDiv", top.document)`? – Gabriel Nahmias Sep 14 '13 at 14:40
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    This will only work if the source of the iframe has jQuery loaded. In my experience, the iframe source would not have jQuery but the need to call one of the parent's jQuery functions is often needed. To do this use: window.document.$("#parentPrice").html() This was the answer Álvaro G. Vicario posted. – David Kinkead Aug 07 '14 at 15:46
  • @jhorback One *should* be using that approach, as $("#node", context) internally calls find(). – The Onin Nov 30 '15 at 20:44

how to access iFrame parent page using jquery


jQuery is a library on top of JavaScript, not a complete replacement for it. You don't have to replace every last JavaScript expression with something involving $.

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    +1. jQuery is great, but lots of answers to simple problems seem to be 'use jQuery'. If you're loading the library anyway, fine, but don't load it one task. Also, people seem concerned about JS perf, then use an API on top of JS to do things easily possible (and possibly faster) without the API. – Grant Wagner Apr 07 '09 at 18:26
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    @Grant Though I do dream of jQuery becoming native code inside browsers. – Dan Blows Apr 29 '11 at 04:07
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    @Blowski: that's my nightmare! jQuery contains a lot of extremely complex and fragile “do what I mean” code that would be completely inappropriate to put in an official API. – bobince Apr 29 '11 at 21:07
  • @Blowski, I'd like to join your oppinion, however, even jQuery has its own shortcomings. In addition it is evolving and evolving much faster than any other JS lib. So it will be very difficult for js engines to keep up to date )). – Oybek May 27 '12 at 12:54
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    @bobince: Clearly, you should _always_ replace all Javascript with jQuery. It's like bacon; there is no situation in which less is better. ;) – MW. Jan 20 '14 at 13:02
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    The OP already had window.parent.document, so this didn't answer anything. And imagine the selector logic being a lot more complex than an element's ID, a situation in which jQuery is darn handy. I feel like the question is "how do I say 'hello' in French?" and this answer is "speak German". – grantwparks Nov 08 '14 at 06:08
  • No, it's a bit more like saying, "You don't need to learn French! This is Germany! German is fine." With a little yelling and hand-waving for effect. :-) – jpaugh Jun 22 '15 at 21:07

If you need to find the jQuery instance in the parent document (e.g., to call an utility function provided by a plug-in) use one of these syntaxes:

  • window.parent.$
  • window.parent.jQuery



jQuery gets attached to the window object and that's what window.parent is.

Álvaro González
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You can access elements of parent window from within an iframe by using window.parent like this:

// using jquery    

Which is the same as:

// pure javascript

And if you have more than one nested iframes and you want to access the topmost iframe, then you can use window.top like this:

// using jquery

Which is the same as:

// pure javascript
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in parent window put :

function ifDoneChildFrame(val)

and in iframe src file put :

<script>window.parent.ifDoneChildFrame('Your value here');</script>
Alexis Wilke
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yeah it works for me as well.

Note : we need to use window.parent.document

    $("button", window.parent.document).click(function()
        alert("Functionality defined by def");
Yogesh Gandhi
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It's working for me with little twist. In my case I have to populate value from POPUP JS to PARENT WINDOW form.

So I have used $('#ee_id',window.opener.document).val(eeID);


Siddharth Rout
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Hitesh Patel
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Might be a little late to the game here, but I just discovered this fantastic jQuery plugin https://github.com/mkdynamic/jquery-popupwindow. It basically uses an onUnload callback event, so it basically listens out for the closing of the child window, and will perform any necessary stuff at that point. SO there's really no need to write any JS in the child window to pass back to the parent.

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There are multiple ways to do these.

I) Get main parent directly.

for exa. i want to replace my child page to iframe then

var link = '<%=Page.ResolveUrl("~/Home/SubscribeReport")%>';

here top.location gets parent directly.

II) get parent one by one,

var element = $('.iframe:visible', window.parent.document);

here if you have more then one iframe, then specify active or visible one.

you also can do like these for getting further parents,

var masterParent = element.parent().parent().parent()

III) get parent by Identifier.

var myWindow = window.top.$("#Identifier")
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