Do "What's wrong with using inline functions" and "Can a recursive function be inline" apply to Delphi inline functions? Furthermore, does anyone know how recursive inline functions are handled in Delphi?

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Peter Turner
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1 Answers1


My guess is probably not since inline is only a suggestion, but lets find out.

A simple recursive factorial routine:

function Factorial(const aNum: cardinal): cardinal;
  if aNum > 1 then
    Result := Factorial(aNum - 1) * aNum
    Result := 1;

Here is the disassembly of the call to it:

// fact := Factorial(5);
mov eax,$00000005
call Factorial
mov ebx,eax

And the disassembly of the routine itself:

// 9: begin
push ebx
mov ebx,eax
// 10: if aNum > 1 then
cmp ebx,$01
jbe $0040ab30
// 11: Result := Factorial(aNum - 1) * aNum
mov eax,ebx
dec eax
call Factorial
imul ebx
pop ebx
// 13: Result := 1;
0040ab30: mov eax,$00000001
// 14: end;
pop ebx

Now we make it inline and see what is different in the call:

// 21: fact := Factorial(5);
mov eax,$00000005
call Factorial
mov ebx,eax

And the routine itself:

// 9: begin
push ebx
mov ebx,eax
// 10: if aNum > 1 then
cmp ebx,$01
jbe $0040ab30
// 11: Result := Factorial(aNum - 1) * aNum
mov eax,ebx
dec eax
call Factorial
imul ebx
pop ebx
// 13: Result := 1;
0040ab30: mov eax,$00000001
// 14: end;
pop ebx

And they both appear the same to me, so I am going to stick with my original hypothesis and say they are not supported.

BTW: this is in Delphi 2009.

Jim McKeeth
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  • Thanks for the good answer. RE: "In Delphi 2009" I was looking through my Object Pascal reference for Delphi 7, apparently inline has been a forward-compatible keyword for a long time, it just never did anything back then. – Peter Turner Apr 08 '09 at 13:55
  • Seems like I remember seeing it a while ago too. – Jim McKeeth Apr 08 '09 at 15:47
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    "Inline" used to be how you could put raw machine code into your functions. Now you just use "asm" blocks, and if you want instructions that the compiler doesn't know, you insert the bytes with DB, DW, and DD instructions. – Rob Kennedy Apr 24 '09 at 14:18