I am trying do something like this:-

public static ArrayList<myObject>[] a = new ArrayList<myObject>[2];

myObject is a class. I am getting this error:- Generic array creation (arrow is pointing to new.)

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5 Answers5


You can't have arrays of generic classes. Java simply doesn't support it.

You should consider using a collection instead of an array. For instance,

public static ArrayList<List<MyObject>> a = new ArrayList<List<MyObject>();

Another "workaround" is to create an auxilliary class like this

class MyObjectArrayList extends ArrayList<MyObject> { }

and then create an array of MyObjectArrayList.

Here is a good article on why this is not allowed in the language. The article gives the following example of what could happen if it was allowed:

List<String>[] lsa = new List<String>[10]; // illegal
Object[] oa = lsa;  // OK because List<String> is a subtype of Object
List<Integer> li = new ArrayList<Integer>();
li.add(new Integer(3));
oa[0] = li; 
String s = lsa[0].get(0); 
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  • If it would compile you would be able to create inconsistent collections. (Arrays doesn't work like this, and instead rely on throwing an ArrayStoreException at runtime.) I'll dig up a link for you about it... – aioobe Aug 20 '11 at 12:16
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    Here's an article. http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-jtp01255/index.html – aioobe Aug 20 '11 at 12:18
  • If you try to convert the example from the article so arrays are ArrayList then you get an error here: `List oa = lsa; // Type mismatch: cannot convert from List> to List` Why don't allow generics arrays doing the same checks? You could activate it with an annotation losing some backward compatibility in that method. – aalku Aug 20 '11 at 14:04
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    The same problem here without generics ` String[] x = new String[10]; Object[] y = x; y[1] = 10; //boxing String z = x[1];` – aalku Aug 20 '11 at 14:09
  • I can't see any difference with this: Integer [] integerArray=new Integer[20]; Object [] objectArray = integerArray; objectArray[0]= "Hello world!"; integerArray[0].floatValue(); This code compiles and at runtime throws this Exception: java.lang.ArrayStoreException: java.lang.String Why? – Pierpaolo Pierpaoli May 01 '20 at 06:34

There is a easier way to create generic arrays than using List.

First, let

public static ArrayList<myObject>[] a = new ArrayList[2];

Then initialize

for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
     a[i] = new ArrayList<myObject>();
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    or, to avoid raw types, `ArrayList[] a = (ArrayList[])new ArrayList>[2];` – newacct Apr 14 '14 at 05:48
  • [Using the *raw type* `ArrayList` like this will harm type safety](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2770321/what-is-a-raw-type-and-why-shouldnt-we-use-it). For example, you could write `a[0] = new ArrayList();` and it would compile just fine. Anyway, the question does not concern the contents of the array, so I don't see initialization as relevant. – AndrewF Jul 07 '20 at 00:48

You can do

public static ArrayList<myObject>[] a = (ArrayList<myObject>[])new ArrayList<?>[2];


public static ArrayList<myObject>[] a = (ArrayList<myObject>[])new ArrayList[2];

(The former is probably better.) Both will cause unchecked warnings, which you can pretty much ignore or suppress by using: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

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if you are trying to declare an arraylist of your generic class you can try:

public static ArrayList<MyObject> a = new ArrayList<MyObject>();

this will give you an arraylist of myobject (size 10), or if u only need an arraylist of size 2 you can do:

public static ArrayList<MyObject> a = new ArrayList<MyObject>(2);

or you may be trying to make an arraylist of arraylists:

public static ArrayList<ArrayList<MyObject>> a = new ArrayList<ArrayList<MyObject>>();

although im not sure if the last this i said is correct...

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It seems to me that you use the wrong type of parenthesis. The reason why you can't define an array of generic is type erasure.

Plus, declaration of you variable "a" is fragile, it should look this way:

List<myObject>[] a;

Do not use a concrete class when you can use an interface.

Rostislav Matl
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