Does anyone know of a jQuery plugin that can check if text is base64 encoded by chance? I want to be able to decode base64 strings but only if the string is encoded to begin with. I see several scripts out there that can encode and decode but I really one that can check if the string is encoded.

Does such a thing exist?

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  • Related Q: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3355407/validate-string-is-base64-format-using-regex#3355534 – Incognito Aug 19 '11 at 20:17

4 Answers4


Must it really be a jQuery plugin? Just use a simple JavaScript regex match:

var base64Matcher = new RegExp("^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})$");

// ...

if (base64Matcher.test(someString)) {
    // It's likely base64 encoded.
} else {
    // It's definitely not base64 encoded.

The regex pattern is taken from this question: RegEx to parse or validate Base64 data.

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The above answer didn't count for the padding with equals signs (= or ==) at the end of the string for me. I've updated the query and the following works for me.

var base64Matcher = new RegExp("^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})([=]{1,2})?$");

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I know this might be late to answer but this is what I came up so far. In this case, I use the {match} in jQuery. This is applicable for images or texts. Hope this helps

var sSampleBase64Text = 'data:text/plain;base64,MSkgTG9naW4gRGV0YWlscwogPj4gdGNfYWRtaW5fYXllZQogPj4gdHdpbmtsZXMyMnRo';
var mCheckMatchResult = sSampleBase64Text.match(/^(?:[data]{4}:(text|image|application)\/[a-z]*)/);

var sAlertMessage = 'Valid base 64 encode string';
if (mCheckMatchResult === null || mCheckMatchResult.length <= 0) {
     sAlertMessage = 'Not a valid base 64 encode string';

$('.result').append('<p>' + sAlertMessage + '</p>');

Try to look this up here: https://jsfiddle.net/lajatomary/a8tugwe3/4/

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Just encountered this and found a solution that might be helpful:

function safeBase64Encode(testString) {
  try {
    // If it's encoded, it will look the same in atob(btoa()) and btoa(atob())
    let isEncoded = btoa(atob(testString)) == atob(btoa(testString))
    if ( isEncoded ) {
      return testString
  } catch (err) {
    // If we get an error like it's not a valid encoding, you gotta encode it.
    return btoa(testString)
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