I need to change the position of an element i'm loading with ajax. I want to use .css() to change it but jQuery can't find the element cause it's not being recognized. How do i do to make jQuery "recognize" the element?

I've read about live() and delegate() but i can't get neither one of them to work as i want them to. I'd really appreciate some help!

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3 Answers3


Make the css change in the complete or success function of the ajax call. Assuming you're using load:

        $('#selector').css('position', 'absolute');

Alternatively (and easier to give as an example) register an ajaxComplete event

    if($('#elementID').length != 0) {
        $('#elementID').css('position', 'absolute');

This is fired each time an ajax request completes, checks to see if #elementID exists and if so applies the css.

Adam Hopkinson
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If you have to markup in a js variable then you can do it as below.

$(markup).find("requiredElement").css({ set the properties here });
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  • It's only fair to explain my downvote - the OP says he is trying to apply css to an element loaded using ajax. He obviously knows how to traverse the dom and set css, just not as part of an ajax request. – Adam Hopkinson Jul 28 '11 at 21:49
  • I upvoted him because I liked the solution of receiving the HTML from ajax and manipulating it before it gets loaded into the DOM. I can't tell if it saves on cycles though. – rkw Jul 28 '11 at 21:54
  • Ahh. I was assuming the user was using `.load`, which seems the easiest way of putting an element into a page using ajax. I don't know if you can intercept the element in a `load` call. – Adam Hopkinson Jul 28 '11 at 21:57
  • @adam - The OP has clearly mentioned in the quesion "Jquery is not able to recognize the element" that clearly says that he is not aware of how jquery looks for element in the dom. I think your down vote is completely unfair. – ShankarSangoli Jul 28 '11 at 23:41
  • OK - edit the answer and i'll remove it (votes can't be changed more than 10 hours after the last edit) – Adam Hopkinson Jul 29 '11 at 08:19

If you want to edit it's CSS, you need to place it in the DOM first, then manipulate it.


        $('<div/>').appendTo('body').html(data).css('border','3px solid red');
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