[2011-07-22 16:33:02 - Today] ------------------------------
[2011-07-22 16:33:02 - Today] Android Launch!
[2011-07-22 16:33:02 - Today] adb is running normally.
[2011-07-22 16:33:02 - Today] Performing com.horror.android.today.myMain activity launch
[2011-07-22 16:33:02 - Today] Automatic Target Mode: launching new emulator with compatible AVD 'google09'
[2011-07-22 16:33:02 - Today] Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'google09'
[2011-07-22 16:33:10 - Today] New emulator found: emulator-5554
[2011-07-22 16:33:10 - Today] Waiting for HOME ('android.process.acore') to be launched...
[2011-07-22 16:34:07 - Today] HOME is up on device 'emulator-5554'
[2011-07-22 16:34:07 - Today] Uploading Today.apk onto device 'emulator-5554'
[2011-07-22 16:35:12 - Today] Installing Today.apk...
[2011-07-22 16:35:31 - Today] Installation error: **INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE**
[2011-07-22 16:35:31 - Today] Please check logcat output for more details.
[2011-07-22 16:35:32 - Today] Launch canceled!

EDIT I solved on emulator but on device , what is the solution? I follow this question but sometimes thats not best idea for me.

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6 Answers6


you need to increase virtual memory of emulator

How to increase virtual memory of emulator

emulator -avd "Emulator Name" -partition-size 500

after then try to install your apk

if you got any error then see conversation of this question

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Niranj Patel
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I've had the same problem but on my phone (not emulator) when developing.

To solve it when it happens I go into Settings->Applications->Manage Applications -> The app I'm working with and press Force Close, after that it works. For me this error occurs every 4-5 build, but using the Force close strategy makes it bearable (I used to restart the phone).

Phone: Sony Ericsson Xperia Ray.
**Android Version: 4.0.3
Development Environment: Eclipse Ingido

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An Android virtual device provides per default only 64M for the storaging Android applications. You can clean your installed application by re-starting the emulator and selecting the "Wipe user data" flag.

also you you can edit the emulation data partition size permanent through avd manager -> emulator name -> edit -> hardware -> Ideal size of data partition = "2048"

neeraj t
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    Right clicking the device in Android Virtual Device Manager and choosing "Wipe user data" solved the problem for me, no restart (before) required. Thanks. – IngoB Apr 21 '19 at 22:34

Just in case it helps for others.. I resolved it by wiping the emulator, and then restart

enter image description here

Abbin Varghese
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If You are Installing the application to the Emulator then Some times it happend. I face same Problem and i have solve it by my way.

In my Problem, I have install the application in emulator that is larger as like more then 10mb. And After that, i am going to Install another Application to that emulator and got this error..


I have just Restart the Eclipse that will erace all unwanted Memory and will get refresh to install the new Application.

Note: Its only works for some Normal perpose. as like to get error after installing another application. . .etc. Otherwise follow CapDroid's answer. Thanks.

Shreyash Mahajan
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