
I have a file in below format:

PAY_ORD:anyntext144here:GREEN:againanytexthere  // <--- This type of record I want to extract

I want to extract records only with first column text ends with ORD and 3rd column text is GREEN. In above example 2nd record.

Can someone help me provide a regex to use in textpad search?

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    Does this answer your question? [Reference - What does this regex mean?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22937618/reference-what-does-this-regex-mean) – baduker May 27 '21 at 08:53

1 Answers1


Depending on the flavour of Regex you are using, this should help.


You can tune the example at this RegEx builder site.

Regex Example

I then suggest googling the text editor of your choice to understand details of Regex flavour your editor uses.

Meta I think this question is being marked down as your effectively asking someone to it for you, not how to learn to solve a more specific why is this regex expression not working.